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[Enjin Archive] Cody missing
Started by [E] daniel1995

Broly's trolling. i hope
Because Dan, Broly deals with the exact same shit but he isnt the owner, meaning he doesnt have those duties to take care of. Cody could do both unless his chicks a real slave driver.
^ this

And i'm not "on him". I'm just saying, if you're owner of a site you really should at least be on ONCE a day. I was simply saying I have a girlfriend too and I have school, etc, and I manage to get on. What i meant by "and im not even owner" is that I manage to get on, and it's not really crucial that I am. so i don't see how this is a reason to somewhat "abandon" (for lack of a better word) your site. Not being mean about it or anything, just saying.
Broly not to be mean but can you please go start a site and make it this successful? and be on every day... The point is even if he is the owner Notch isn't at work every day he has days off... Plus Notch makes his own hours...

And if you mind asking Broly how old are you and IF you have a job how many hours a week do you work??? How many hours do you go out with your girlfriend??? How many hours of your time is at school or studying??? If you didn't know this Cody is in College and this is a scale of that

College>>>>>>high school big diffference of getting a D in a high school course than a College

Explain your hours of days for me please =]? I'd be delighted
daniel1995 wrote:
Broly not to be mean but can you please go start a site and make it this successful? and be on every day... The point is even if he is the owner Notch isn't at work every day he has days off... Plus Notch makes his own hours...

And if you mind asking Broly how old are you and IF you have a job how many hours a week do you work??? How many hours do you go out with your girlfriend??? How many hours of your time is at school or studying??? If you didn't know this Cody is in College and this is a scale of that

College>>>>>>high school big diffference of getting a D in a high school course than a College

Explain your hours of days for me please =]? I'd be delighted

Lol your sarcastic tone is funny. I'm not saying I can make a site this successful, close to it, or any other claim of that matter. And lol at you explaining how college works to me. Maybe when you're old enough and in college you can give it another shot. I don't see why you're suddenly turning this into a "whose dick is bigger" contest. What I WAS stating, is that being the owner of the site, he SHOULD be on. And if he "has better things to do than be at a computer all day" then he shouldn't have made a server in the first place. And when did i saw he needs to be on ALL day? I didn't. So don't put words in my mouth. I said he should at least be on once per day to make sure everything is in order. I mean now he's basically handing everything over to sawine, which i'm fine with. At least he actually gets on.

And Cody used to be on a lot, that's why my original post was credible. I know he works, I know he has school. He had all that before too and he still managed to get on HIS server. It's funny when people get girlfriends and suddenly it consumes their lives. I know plenty of people like that IRL, it's cool. And this is all the extent of what i was saying. Nothing more. Not an attack on Cody, not me saying i'm better than him, nothing. Just me saying he's owner and he shouldn't forget that because of some girl. That's. It. So i don't see why you're getting all defensive over it and trying to protect him. There's nothing to protect.

Wow Brolly, way to be a cunt. For your information I'm not "whipped" by anyone, its been my choice to hang out with my girl and she has never had to beg me or "whip" me in any way. I think minecraft has you whipped you up the ass because you rather stay home and play games rather than be with your girl. Why dont you get off your sorry ass and find you a job and do somethig with your life. As for abandoning the server, I would never just leave you guys in the dust. I have asked sawine nicely to take more of a owner role since lately I haven't been on as much. I do work and classes just started back up, these things take time. I've been getting more hours at work also. I'll admit, when I get a little free time I like to hang out with my girlfriend any guy that wouldn't would be stupid. And the reason I was on a lot more before was that I was on break. Also bukkit is slow at updating so there's not much I can really do right now anyway. Nobody else talk any shit about my girl or I'll shut your ass up. And yea im mad, I'm starting to see why Hey0 quit.

And draednar, youre 26, go get a damn job.

I'm not quitting minetown, I'm going to be getting on more, I have to manage my time better.
Draednar your fucked in the Head. I'd way rather chill with my girl then play minecraft.. this isnt a fucking full time job for him its a fucking hobby essentially, not like he controls how bukkit works or when notch decides to fuck every single server over by deciding to add cake one day. lets get serious, you don't donate you barely play and all you do is bitch on the servers FUCK

-drunk rant, dont take it personally
So... Whats up?
Why couldn't we all be virgins? Life would be so much easier...
Because we want you to feel alone XD

Just kidding..