Due to a lot of people %$@!^!^$^&#$)&!()%$#(!)%$!()#%(!#)%^(#$)^()#^$!%(#!)%(#$@^()$^(#)%@ things up, the entire worldguard protection in the city was deleted, meaning the subprotections all got wiped, due to this inconvenience we are currently re-doing the entire region. Its a pretty big city so if you cant build in your lot, don't freak out we'll get to you eventually and we arent trying to scam anybody etc. Just making it clear so people don't start talking/posting other threads about this and I'll try to get this sorted out soon, thanks <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f609.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=";)">;)</object>
I own the top house, but bypass regions, so don't worry about me.
Delete above post please.
Also bump for Divinity house owners. Some regions are set up but the names may be wrong because I had to go by the signs so just message me or Scottish to get it set up.
Also bump for Divinity house owners. Some regions are set up but the names may be wrong because I had to go by the signs so just message me or Scottish to get it set up.
Thanks for the heads up!