The one right next to Oasis marked: ..|..
It must be dealt with. If you look back to the faction carto, the Southern Empire claimed the continent on which Oasis lies. While it was agreed that faction claims could not be official, but if the land could be defended it could be kept.
This excuse for a city is built right on top of the future site for a new SE city, which was being drawn up at the apparent time of construction of this place. The city was built over one of my SE markers (An "S" in the ground) which was apparently covered up.
Not only this, but since the appearance of this city, a strip mining operation has been started no more than 30 blocks from the front gate of Oasis. The owner of this mine has ignored direct requests to recover this mine with sand, and it remains an eyesore just outside of Oasis. Besides the actual strip mine itself, the sand layer has been stripped back around the fountains around the front gate. This removal of sand was not done by any authorized resident of Oasis, nor by Dracko Rage or myself.
In addition to these mining activities, I arrived in Oasis yesterday to find the middle sections of fence gate (Craftbook Gate) to be destroyed. Someone evidently broke into Oasis and did not bother to replace the fence after they left. Several glass windows were broken, presumably during this intrusion. Sawine witnessed the broken gate.
Last night, in order to enforce our land claim, with the support of the faction agreement, DrackoRage and I marched on this unnamed city to tear it to the ground. We were stopped by Cryston, and obligingly returned the destroyed blocks to their former positions, leaving the walls and gatehouse of that city in better condition than they originated.We were told to diplomatically settle this issue on the forums, prompting this thread.
If you are the owner of this city, please contact me ASAP. A compromise may be reached, allowing this city to join the Southern Empire, and fixing the currently disorganized shambling buildings it contains. Combined efforts to fix the "issues" with this city may be successful.
If you know who is the owner of this city, please let me know. I need to contact them as soon as possible.
If no owner can be found, or no owner responds to this, we have every intention of carrying through with our original plans to tear this place down, block by block, in keeping with the faction agreement as decided upon in the Factions Carto.
Next, if you have any information regarding the intrusions into Oasis, or the sand removal from the entrance of Oasis, please post here or contact me, I would like to see those responsible brought to justice.
RobertFox, Cover your strip mining operations outside Oasis immediately. You did not have permission from DrackoRage or I to carry out this operation so close to Oasis, nor are you even a resident of Oasis. When confronted, you agreed to cover this, but as of yesterday at @1:00 AM CST the mine was not covered. Please do this immediately.