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[Enjin Archive] [F-Team] Clan thread
Started by [E] favine

F-team, a group of highly trained land clearer's and sell swords. If you have the need, and you can find them, then you can hire the F-TEAM

Clan basics: We serve all of Minetwon. We can fight for one clan one day, and then fight for their enemies the next. It's all about who comes and hires us. (((We do not give out clan secrets, and clans will told not to share these with F-Team members. If you hire a few of us to fight with you. Then we are only there to boost your numbers, and nothing more.)))

Price guide:

Land Clearing: 1000 mtc a day, or 15,000 for the whole job. (If you hire two or more workers, then the price goes up 1000 per) ((If you repeat hire from us, then you will get price discounts.))

Sword for hire: 3000 per sword. (They fight with you for the whole of the war.) ((F-Team members can be hired by both sides on any given war, so do not be mad to see that, it is stated here.))

Building: (As of now, the F-Team does not build for other groups.)


So you want to join the F-Team? Sweet.

Perks of the job:

1) You get paid for your work.

2) Supplies are made ready for your job.

3) Training in land clearing and fighting.

4) you can make home anywhere in Minetown.

Getting into F-team is no easy task. Background checks will be had, training will be done, and over all you will be looked at to see if you fit the mold of the F-Team.

Once Training is done, you will be free to head out into Minetown, and will be on call for work. (Some members will be stationed at F-Team buildings inside other faction lands.

Again. If you need a task done, and you can find us. Then you can hire the F-Team
Sounds legit
It is. If you need help give a call.
hmmm should I hire the F-Team? Nah just /pvp off
wana be allies?
When you say 'Per job'... how large an area would you define as large? I can easily hire a group of 5 to clear a 100x100 area for 1k mtc and an enchanted tool each.

Are your prices competitive, or higher to compensate that your employer would be hiring an outfit as opposed to mercenary land clearers?
As far as Allies go, i have it in mind that the F-Team would be allied with everyone, since we do work for anyone that asks. So yea we can be Allies.
We can base pricing on how big the area that needs to be cleared is. But 15,000 mtc's is as high as we go. If you pay us 15k and say clear this large area, we'll do it. Of course as you hire from us more and more, the price drops. The F-Team also brings their own gear to the Clear site, and that is not added to the cost.