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[Enjin Archive] Army of the Frost Empire
Started by [E] Death [5]

Anyone interested in joining The Army of the Frost Empire post here. We need archers, generals, knights, grunts, soldiers, farmers, and combat engineers.

The Job of each position will be listed below

Farmer: Supplies food for the army. (Farming experience needed)

Combat Engineer: Creates mines, traps, and military fortifications for the army.

Recruit: Starting rank given to any member who joins The Army of the Frost Empire

Issued Supplies- One stone sword

Soldier: The second rank in The Army of the Frost Empire ( Rank can either be earned, or started with if you possess a diamond sword)

Issued Supplies- Diamond Sword, and possibly leather armor

Archer: This rank has the same value as the rank of soldier but is given to those that would rather use a bow. ( Rank can either be earned, or started with if you possess a bow and arrow)

Issued Supplies- Bow, 64 arrows, and possibly leather armor

Knight: The third rank in The Army of the Frost Empire ( Rank can either be earned, or started with if you possess a diamond sword and iron or diamond armor)

Issued Supplies- Diamond sword, and diamond or iron armor (Knight may also have a bow if desired)

General: The highest rank in The Army of the Frost Empire (Rank has to be earned). Generals lead troops

Issued Supplies- Diamond sword, and diamond or iron armor (May also carry bow)

All military members will also be issued 32 Wheat each (Amount of wheat may increase), and will have access to our plentiful supply

Member List


Heark- General

FallenAngel- Knight (Ranged Preference)

Mr_wingman- Archer

Godengm- Archer/Farmer

Tryndamere28- Farmer/Combat Engineer

Tomatoesandham- Recruit
I Will Be An Archer
Farmer/Combat Engineer. I got this shitz.
Knight Archer plox?
I shall be an archer/farmer(fish, pig, apples, bread)

Btw is there any big mountain city with a lot available for me?
an upcoming town is Himalayand

we should also use the skin Mark has, i believe its on the frost empire recruitment.. good skins to represent
All of you have been added on to the list with the rank requested, just message me next time you see me online for supplies if needed. I am somewhat short on arrows though but have a lot of bows.
FallenAngel_ wrote:
Knight Archer plox?

and FallenAngel you can be a knight that carries a bow along with armor, and a sword.
Im just gonna stick with being ambassador haha
I would be willing to set up a supply line and give you whatever you need, for a discount. But you must defend the sky city and have a mutual alliance, I give you weapons and such, you give me building materials. Sound fair, Death?