Hey folks,
Since lot of ppl dont know how to use the plugins, here is a little thread to help you out.
http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/CraftBook (scroll down and click Bridges, Gates, Elevators, Cauldrons, Light switches etc.
(some features are turned off like cauldron and only admins can make monsters spawner.)
Buy a vault from the bank and use /vaultwarp to get into your personnal chest room.
Create a obsidian portal, then place a sign on the middle left with the name on the first line. The button will then appear automaticly.

Use /sendmail (no brackets) to send mail.
and /mail ( 1 -2 -3 etc) to read mail
More plugins commands to be added later.
Cya around.
Since lot of ppl dont know how to use the plugins, here is a little thread to help you out.
http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/CraftBook (scroll down and click Bridges, Gates, Elevators, Cauldrons, Light switches etc.
(some features are turned off like cauldron and only admins can make monsters spawner.)
Buy a vault from the bank and use /vaultwarp to get into your personnal chest room.
Create a obsidian portal, then place a sign on the middle left with the name on the first line. The button will then appear automaticly.

Use /sendmail (no brackets) to send mail.
and /mail ( 1 -2 -3 etc) to read mail
More plugins commands to be added later.
Cya around.