What do I do in the deathbowl. Like what is is it and what do I need when I go in it
you mean deathcube? Ive never heard of a deathbowl. (Not saying there isnt one just ive never heard of one).
yea the deathcube
Its /warp deathcube. Its built by sayomie being an evil mastermind <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f621.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":furious:">:furious:</object>. Its basically A load of random blocks above lava. You have to parkour (jump) up. Its so high ive never got high enough for the top to render in

Deathcube, is a place you die. If you go there, and you lag even a TINY bit, you die, if you don't lag, you die, if you use End Pearls to get up higher in the Cube, you die, there is a reason it is called DEATHCube you know, if you complete it, you die, if you die, YOU DIE*
Actually.. people say its hard, but really they just dont take there time and scout out where to go they just jump jump jump in till they die. I use to do it everyday.. if you look around you and practice it gets really easy, and you get a ton of creds and xp.
but, Milk, you are a MOD, we ALL know you use your powers to get up there when we aren't looking.
pwnmaster_dx34 wrote:
but, Milk, you are a MOD, we ALL know you use your powers to get up there when we aren't looking.
I said i "use to" refering to before i was mod as i knew someone would bring that up, get some enderpearls, diamondarmor, and instant health 2 potions and its as easy as cake..
I thought ender pearls were banned there...
spaceagent66 wrote:
I thought ender pearls were banned there...
Dont know the answer to that.. many say its not many say it is >.>