Username: HDSlide
When you were banned : (Date.) Today. 6/20/12
Person who banned you: I dont know
Reason you were banned: Sexual harrasment and bullying
Okay, so earlier today, me and zCasperrr had a dispute over some credits. I gave them to him but wanted them back, but he refused. He finnaly gave them back to me. So, i needed 110 credits. So i kindly asked him if he would be willing to give me that much. He said no, saying "I already gave you 7k!!" I was like "Okay, the 7k was mine anyway" Just trying to prove a point to him. He then says "I am done talking to you. Good day" Jokingly, i said "Did you get that from willy wonka" Because in that movie willy wonka says "GOOD DAY!" He then replies with "Yeah because your the one who would watch that kind of show!" So i got back at him with him watching good luck charlie. He said "Well have fun with disney channel" So i got kind of defensive because some of the shows n disney channel are actually a little bit good, and I like them. So i told him that good luck charlie is on disney channel. (Yes ik i said "Dumbass" Im sorry about that i was mad) So he replies with "That's the only channel you watch, so dont talk to me" My friend peyton was staying, and he was reading what i was putting. So he grabs my laptop and starts spamming casper with P P P P P "Thats what you dont have"
Then casper said "Umm actually i do pee so bye" THen peyton says "Yeah out of your vagina" Then "Oohhhh you just got toasted!!!" then tlor says he's going to report me and peyton says "WAHH WAAHHH they said i had a pee pee!!!!!!!" Im very sorry about this....... Thw whole time he was running around while typing so i couldnt get it back... He gave it back once i got banned...
Very sorry this happened... I know i did bad things too... I just get really defensive.