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[Enjin Archive] Pre-emptive - Trying to help gets you in trouble
Started by Unknown User

I was out exploring when I came across a castle. I walk in and have a look. I notice there is a shop, but I dont make much of it. I explore the castle, until I happen upon a potion brewing room. I think to myself that its careless to leave potions on, because someone could take them. And indeed, potions was left on. But surely they must have secured their chests? Nope.

At this point I could a) Have robbed them, or b) Just not cared. Instead I choose to try and contact the owner, PokemonGrandevoir, to alert them of the situation. The user seems afk, and I ask if someone can contact her, as its rather urgent. I also try and pm darthandroid to come close the door, but he too seems afk.

Five minutes goes by, and suddenly Pokemon appears in chat, furious. I explain the situation, or at least try to, but over the next five minutes I am being called a thief, a hacker, a liar, accused of harassing her and her friends, and threatened to be reported. During this conversation she also asks me to leave her home, upon which I immediately /home out. Several minutes after I am still being accused of not having left despite being asked to.

A mod (Irethea) notices the chat, which spills from PMs over into global chat, and checks my recent chests transactions, confirming that I have not taken anything. Nonetheless I am still being threatened to get reported by Pokemon and her spouse (I forget the name).

Thus, Im making this thread pre-emptively, as I simply refuse to get accused, and possibly punished, for trying to be helpful.

Edit: Ingame name is T_xic, if you wish to check my transactions again. (please)
If you didnt do anything wrong the logs will back you up and you have nothing to worry about. Don't worry T_xic we investigate every case if somethings reported.
Thank you.

I would also like to note that I did the courtesy of informing the other party of this thread. I was asked to mind my own business and why I wouldn't leave her alone. It was not my intention of further aggravating PokemonGrandvoir, but I only felt it was fair she be informed.
What a load. I NEVER said I'd report you or that you were a hacker. You on the other hand continued to harrass me and everyone who I know to make me talk to you. You snooped through my stuff. I told you to leave three times before you said you'd left.

If it isn't yours, dont touch it. Just because I forgot to close my door doesn't mean you come into my house and look through my chests. Then you start telling lies to prove your point? I told you to leave me alone an hour ago, and you still /tell me that I'M doing stuff wrong? Just because I'm being cautious because I don't want some random I never met in my house?

Just leave me and my friends alone!
I asked in global chat if someone could contact you. I have never PMed any of your friends, nor will I. I also only asked for a given period up until you contacted me, and not since. You make it sound like I kept on asking for you afterwards.

You did tell me you would report me. You did call me a hacker. I have not contacted you after you told me to leave you alone, except to inform you I made this thread. Which I only found fair to inform you of.

All in all I do not wish to be accused of such things, and certainly not reported for them, as all I did was to try and help you.

You questioned in private chat why I would wish to help you. Well, its what I wish someone would do for me if the roles were switched.
I would also like to ask an admin to check (again) that I did not take anything from Pokemons chests, and to post confirmation thereof in this thread. Otherwhise I am unable to refute any accusations or hearsay that might arise from this in the future. I do not wish a reputation for any of the things Pokemon called me.
I did not call you any of those things. I told you I was suspicious and explained what a White Hat was. I was hoping for the best and expecting the worst, as suspicious people like myself often do. I thought you MAY have taken something small and told me you hadn't as 'payment' for your 'good deed'.

I don't tolerate snooping. Never enter anyone's house without permission. It says so in the Minetown Rules.
Rules Page wrote:
Minetown Rules

By registering an account on minetown.net and by logging in to our server, you acknowledge that you have fully read and understood the rules and agree to follow them. Breaking these rules will result in a punishment determined appropriate by staff, which may be as severe as a permanent ban (account and/or ip).

General Rules

Be Considerate of Other Players

Ask before entering someone's area; leave if told to

Do not troll, bully, or otherwise harass people

You entered my building without permission, and then you continued to harras me after I told you to stop multiple times. If I had really broken any of the rules, quote it from the rules page. But since I haven't, you wont have much luck finding a violation.
Guys, simmer down. When staff look through logs, all will be revealed. There's no need to argue here because it's merely trivial.

The right course of action will be taken. Poke, there's no need to be so argumentative, he's being civil.

I'd say wait it out until staff do their thing.
TPrezzle wrote:
Guys, simmer down. When staff look through logs, all will be revealed. There's no need to argue here because it's merely trivial.

The right course of action will be taken. Poke, there's no need to be so argumentative, he's being civil.

I'd say wait it out until staff do their thing.

As rezz and lom said, it will get looked into. Arguing on the forums will not in any way help you. Logs will be looked at. It's pointless to argue on here <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
I checked the logs AGAIN, and he had not taken anything from Poke's area.

You guys need to be civil towards one another. Poke, you did make hints that you thought he was a hacker in chat, which was not very nice. I remember that part.

Just avoid each other to avoid any more conflict.

Locking this.