Username: Arvila
When you were banned : (Date.) 22 March 2012
Person who banned you: Sayomie
Reason you were banned: Bullying
I am writing this ban appeal because I know I miss this server. I want to fully apologise for what went on back then. I genuinely thought I would permanantly leave and not come back, at that time I was in a very bad mood set and a lot of things got to me. I told cauldweller 'piss off your annoying me' and was banned along with lucylooselegs, jallaf and okifool for cyberbullying which was later found out to be a fix. Personally I feel I should not have stayed banned, punished of course but not permanantly banned for what I had said.
Feel free to ask me anything if you want to, I will give you my honest answer.
I hope that you will give me a second chance.
Best regards Arvaloth
When you were banned : (Date.) 22 March 2012
Person who banned you: Sayomie
Reason you were banned: Bullying
I am writing this ban appeal because I know I miss this server. I want to fully apologise for what went on back then. I genuinely thought I would permanantly leave and not come back, at that time I was in a very bad mood set and a lot of things got to me. I told cauldweller 'piss off your annoying me' and was banned along with lucylooselegs, jallaf and okifool for cyberbullying which was later found out to be a fix. Personally I feel I should not have stayed banned, punished of course but not permanantly banned for what I had said.
Feel free to ask me anything if you want to, I will give you my honest answer.
I hope that you will give me a second chance.
Best regards Arvaloth