Username: Mariamaster
When I was banned: 29th April, 2012, about 20:00 (GMT)
Person who banned me: I don't know.
Reason I was banned: This is what happened: So, I'm building a town at the moment, and for a town, you need food (i.e: pigs) and when LucasGreen said he was selling pig spawners, I couldn't believe my luck! So I warped to his shop, and on a sign behind him it read: "you may pay in; diamonds, credits or gold." So because i mine a lot, i have lots of gold. I asked to buy a pig spawner for 128 gold ( 2 stacks) THEN he said he didn't buy in gold, and I said "b...b...but the sign says you do!" And he told me he didn't, yet again. I turned to go outside to explore his town; and i spotted the thing i love the most in minecraft; noteblocks! Recently, I have been collecting stone, so i had some in my hand. i right-clicked on the noteblocks and itt was such a nice noise i continued making a tune. The Lucas goes: "that's griefing- leave NOW!" So i wanted to play with the noteblocks, so I said "but I'm right clicking!" Then he goes " I'll get a mod involved if you don't leave." So I left. I was exploring his town, when i accidently broke some of his pathway. I noticed underneath was a huge mine! So I entered the mine and blocked off the exit, so it didn't seem like a deliberate grief. I explored for a while and then i just got bored, so i came out of the mine... and lucas was staring at me... and that was it because i was banned there and then.
When I was banned: 29th April, 2012, about 20:00 (GMT)
Person who banned me: I don't know.
Reason I was banned: This is what happened: So, I'm building a town at the moment, and for a town, you need food (i.e: pigs) and when LucasGreen said he was selling pig spawners, I couldn't believe my luck! So I warped to his shop, and on a sign behind him it read: "you may pay in; diamonds, credits or gold." So because i mine a lot, i have lots of gold. I asked to buy a pig spawner for 128 gold ( 2 stacks) THEN he said he didn't buy in gold, and I said "b...b...but the sign says you do!" And he told me he didn't, yet again. I turned to go outside to explore his town; and i spotted the thing i love the most in minecraft; noteblocks! Recently, I have been collecting stone, so i had some in my hand. i right-clicked on the noteblocks and itt was such a nice noise i continued making a tune. The Lucas goes: "that's griefing- leave NOW!" So i wanted to play with the noteblocks, so I said "but I'm right clicking!" Then he goes " I'll get a mod involved if you don't leave." So I left. I was exploring his town, when i accidently broke some of his pathway. I noticed underneath was a huge mine! So I entered the mine and blocked off the exit, so it didn't seem like a deliberate grief. I explored for a while and then i just got bored, so i came out of the mine... and lucas was staring at me... and that was it because i was banned there and then.