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[Enjin Archive] Economy Fix?

I have noticed that the economy since we switched to this server has been in a rut in a way.

Not saying that it was better on agharta when DTE and a select few ran the economy. However, this

brings me back to when minetown switched from Diamond, Gold, and Iron being the currency. The economy was really

messed up than even though there were many ways to make money.

Now the fix I have may be seen as a socialist move by many but I figured I would present it anyway.

The fix I have is related to real world application. In Europe as well as in America people receive pensions I propose a month pension given out by the server each month of 1,000 MTC. This would act like a salary of sorts so it encourages people to go out and spend in both shops in the market as well as outside. This will also allow for more players to be able to afford to open shops as well as expand without have just to sell claim blocks as one of currently two ways to make money.

This would add up to 12,000 MTC per person on the server each year. Now, You say well what happens if too many credits are entered into the economy. The economy will solve that issue by having prices rise.

Did you now right now in the market the average Price of Stone Brick is 9.75 a stack. The lowest being 4.25 and the Highest 20MTC, You may even look at the price of Diamond the average price being 44.5 MTC with the lowest being 25MTC and highest being 62.5 x2 since the owner sells them by 2.

This screams that there is a huge problem with the economy when DIAMOND is cheaper than sea lanterns which the average price of that is sitting at 262.5 MTC for 16 on average. Lowest being about 7.89 for 1 and Highest being 25 for 1.

I believe that this pension of 1,000 a month given to players just for being a member on the server will go a long way in helping the economy.

Do you want 1,000 MTC a month for being a member on the server?
So ugh... where are these cheap diamonds being sold?
They are being sold in the market its self. As stated in the post.
I do not see anything wrong with the current economy being run on a claimblock standard. Claimblocks are earned by being an active member of the community. So the more you play the more money you have. And if you are playing the survival style game that is at Minetown's core then the more you play the less need you will have for the MTC. Also since you want to relate the economy to the real world; The more you work the more you make. Its pretty pure and simple.

Now to address your complaints on the various pricing in the Market. As of right now, to my knowledge, there is only one functioning guardian farm associated with a shop. That means that there is really only one person who can determine the price. Since the introduction of the mending enchantment diamonds have become less valuable, because once you have a "god set" you no longer need diamonds until you die, making the demand very low. Prices on the server vary by demand. If someone is building something resource intensive (like doom fort) prices for those materials will rise. In the case of diamonds, there is less demand so the price falls.
To counter argue this wouldn't you say since this is a survival server there shouldn't be any mending enchantments being allowed? Since in theory it drives the prices of the economy down? The Idea for the economy is to create a since of competition when there aren't such going on am I wrong?

While yes the block standard does reward those who are on a lot what about those who can not be on all the time? Do they themselves not deserve some way to make money other than the block standard and by selling goods if they have them.
well there are just way to many words to read so I'm just gonna say this.... u commie monopoly making terrorist Jamesknope XD everything was peaceful and working well then u had to come in lel
Uh.... Mending enchantments are a part of vanilla survival so that argument has no standing whatsoever. And if you do not spend much time on the server it would make sense that you would have less money. Also, by giving everyone 1K MTC all the market pricing would rise comparatively which would effectively make 1K MTC as useless in the new economy as 0 MTC is in the current economy.
I don't think the issue is the "economy" per say but the prices of the items themselves. When diamonds are cheaper than sea lanterns, that isn't the economy, that is the owner having power over their prices, which is the most obvious problem to me. This server is too small scale to have competition like Walmart and Target do because when a player finds the cheapest diamonds and diamonds 10 mtc more than those, the player would logically buy the cheaper ones, right? Which leaves the more expensive ones to rot and the owner of that shop with no diamonds selling. I feel like the idea shouldn't be to have pensions but to have set prices. That way, anyone who enters the market at any time is just as likely to sell things as the previously economically well off creating a balanced economy because everyone is making money.

Now that wouldn't be the only problem. Ever since /sell hand has been severely nerfed, I don't find any use in it as it no longer has a vast array of items to sell and what you can sell will barely give you enough money to buy a stack of stone. If /sell hand was tinkered a bit better, I think many more would be making money as they don't need to make a shop nor look for shops that actually buy things (which is quite rare).
People need to use their /sellclaim to get money.

If people can buy things right now and they are not, how would free money change that?
nah I like the economy how it is