well u need to get a 2 week notice, also i have seen one of the head owners on in the past few weeks "joey_dev" might wnat to talk to him
Well considering that castle is mine the answer is no lol. Also like how the screenshots you can see my name in it yet you dont try to contact me???

So here are so screenshots that you left out. Clearly the house is marked as mine and you cannot simply post and claim ownership. The fact that you try and just claim without any attempt to contact me is rather annoying. The rules for claiming others property has been posted on the forums and strict guidelines have to be met before they just give away someones hard work.
As for the town you can contact Joey dev and see if you can purchase it. I might be wrong here but I also believe the town either goes to the next in charge of the town or a person within the town.
i am sorry italy i saw the castle and town at first site and so when i sarted looking around i saw that nobody has lived there in a long time and yes i should have informed u but i have tried i believe twice but it said person does not exist so since u want ur castle back then by all means take it and if joey does not want the town bye all means i will take it unless italy do u wan tthe town or no?? also sorry for the trouble just was curious u can have castle back.
Nah I dont want the town. I for sure want my castle! It was my first project on minetown. As you can imagine it was quite hard for me on minetown to start out with such a large project. That project was started and completed within the first week of my minetown career <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> All I can say is before you say there are no obvious signs of who owns the property you look around. Clearly you just wanted the castle and disregarded the huge name and sign on the front door in order to make your post.
Just annoying to watch people deliberately try and present something in order to try and claim someones hard work. If you want an epic castle build one instead of trying to steal one from an active member.
Just annoying to watch people deliberately try and present something in order to try and claim someones hard work. If you want an epic castle build one instead of trying to steal one from an active member.