Choco, that's an abuse of mod power, yes? The downvote system shouldn't be used for such childish things (if it was you, but if it was someone else they are quite the child). I was merely stating it's appearance was that similar to halo, not saying which came first. The implication given was that I enjoyed halo, and that the game play looked similar, so I downloaded it. There was no reason to give the negative kudos on it, to whomever did so.
EDIT: I apologize if you have no part in such. It isn't the downvote that upsets me but rather the logic behind it. Why downvote someone who made a compliment towards a game? I was exposed to halo first which is why I said it looks like halo. I could care less which game came first, as they're both pretty damn enjoyable. There is no logical reason behind a downvote, and only forum mods can do such, therefore it is an abuse of power since it is not in public access. Just because a mod has power doesn't mean they can exert their personal influence over others. There're standards to work by.