So after seeing zionias amazing Thread about him singing I was thinking that we could hold a poll to see how many votes we can get to try and get all of the mods and admins to get together and sing Can You Feel the Love Tonight I'm hoping to get at least a hundred or more for this because I believe it would be absolutely hilarious to have something like this on the website so please vote Yes so that we can make this happen
You do not wanna hear Jared, trust me.
I have a feeling that the no voted are from staff
I am friends with many of the staff members, and trust me. You do not want to hear that.
even though some have good voices believemeitwillstillbecringeiwonderifanyonewillactuallyreadthistitstitstits
even though some have good voices believemeitwillstillbecringeiwonderifanyonewillactuallyreadthistitstitstits
*cough* Figaro. Figaro
im not gonna lie, jareds voice is beautiful
we must do this it will be so funny we can put it up as the theme song for the server

So much hate for the singing