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[Enjin Archive] Closure
Started by [E] Pljz

Hey all,

...Damn, this is weird as it’s probably the last time I’ll be saying those words as a leader of this community. It’s been a long while since I’ve made an open and honest post on this forum that wasn’t related to guidelines or something of that nature, so I guess let’s just see how this goes.

The short version, a TL;DR if you will, is that I’m stepping down from being an Owner of Minetown. If you want to read more that’s up to you, if you don’t you can stop here.

This wasn’t an easy decision for me, not at all, but it’s been one that’s been at the back of my mind for close to a year now and I think it’s finally time I act on it. When I first joined this server way back in 2010, I loved it. I loved playing on it, I loved the community, I loved the feel and style, just everything in general. I did for a very long time; even when I wasn’t active in game I still was watching from the forums or from afar. The community has had it’s ups and downs, and my real story for the server began when I became staff in april of 2014.

This place was a mess. It was screwed up from a few years of constantly changing viewpoints, leaders, half finished ideas, among many other things. But, I still felt that love for the community, so I still wanted to help out. Being a Moderator was a blast, I could help people, I could really make a difference to make the server better - which all led to being a manager through now being an owner. As I’ve stated in my AMA, I’ve dedicated thousands of hours to this server. I’ve cut an unbelievable amount of time out of my personal life to make this server something I could be proud of, something reminiscent of the old days that I loved so much, and something that the community and staff I was leading would be happy with. I’m glad to say that I’ve finally done that, albeit with help, which I’ll get to in a bit.

We’ve come a long way. We opened a completely fresh world and brought back a real community to the server - an active one. We’ve gone from peak playercounts of 10 to capping at a record of 52. We’ve pulled profit and paid for ourselves as a server for a good portion of the next year in just two months. We’ve made accomplishment after accomplishment and turned the server around to be something great again.

But this is where my part in it ends. The amount of time I’ve put into this server, the amount of stress, and arguments, and everything else that goes into part of being a team while working with people is starting to get to me, and I don’t feel good about ruining what great friendships, relationships, brotherhood, whatever you want to call it that I’ve made here. A server isn’t worth that, no matter what’s been done with it. I’ve put this server first before anything for so long, and now I’m coming to realize that there’s more to it than just that. I’m not going to fully remove myself from the community, my role will now be similar to @Dragoness in that I’m still available for backend support and in game moderation, but my role as a leader is over.

Onto the thanks;

I want to start off by going way back to the beginning, and thanking @CodyHalloway for originally creating this server, and then all the community, staff, administrators, owners, and everyone else who has played a part into making this server what it is today. I would never have been given the opportunities I have been, nor the ability to do what I’ve done with this server without everyone else playing a part into it.

To the people who’ve supported me all along and kept encouraging me to make this server thrive and succeed, I thank you. I’ve faltered many times on my road to getting to where I am, but I’ve always been given reasons to pick myself back up and keep going to get this server to where it is.

To the people who’ve discredited me, bashed the work I’ve done, and everything else, I thank you too. I’m not a very spiteful person, but I will admit that the hate drove me to finish projects, get things done, and get this server somewhere respectable so I could say “Ha, would you look at this? It’s something great.”

To my current staff team; Apart from @kosakriszi, I’ve played a part into each and every one of you being hired. You all are an wonderful group of people, you all have wonderful qualities that make you, and make your capabilities on the server excel past the needed marks to provide a better experience for all. You were all chosen for a reason, whether it be dedication, helping people out, bringing something fresh, coming up with new ideas, or a mix of anything else - - so if you ever come to a point where you don’t feel like you belong, or you don’t feel like you’re contributing much, take a moment, step back, and see everything we’ve accomplished as a team. Nothing that’s been done on this server would have been able to be done without your support, your contributions, and in general you being around to want this server to continue to thrive.

Lastly, to my close friends in the KosaKraft group(dare I say my family), thank you all so much for everything over the years. For providing a fun and relaxing environment where I could genuinely be myself and enjoy my free time. You all mean the absolute world to me, you’re all amazing people, and I know we’ll continue to be friends for long after Minetown is just a memory in people’s minds.

This is not the end. It’s not the end of me, nor the server, nor the current staff team; it’s just closure for something that’s been a very long time coming. I’ve made so many memories here that I won’t ever be able to forget.

Thank you all for the amazing experience. For the sake of an old tradition;

Thanks for being my owner partner in crime bro <3
cya :y
It surely has been a ride from where you've started, to where you've ended up. I still remember when we were chosen as Trial Mods together.. It was a fun time and a nice progression. You were able, through hard work and dedication, become something bigger than I think anyone could imagine.. You became the owner of a great community with a great staff team. Ever since I left, the server has changed a lot, and the change is amazing. You and Kosa were able to find revive a server that was gradually breaking apart, and I envy that. Thank you for your work as owner and being a good friend <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
Imma miss you my fellow Arab Brethren - Good luck in your life. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
I wish I could've worked with you longer on Minetown but things can't last forever. Thank you for trusting me with the role as trial mod and believing in my abilities.
was a pleasure working with you over they years. I remember working with you from a wee player, suggesting you to staff, training you up, and giving you plenty of humps along the way. I hope all works well for you in your future endeavors and I know we will press forward into the future. Thank you for everything you have done for the MineTown community Pajamas.

~all the humpings

ily Zachypoo, I'll miss ya fam. <3 I'll still always spam you on Skype though with weird ass messages so it's okay. <3 Be happehhhh.
Fun thinking back months ago when I started spamming you things that the forum could use in Steam chat and progressively working it up to a better platform, then being a part of creative from the first day, and hanging out together on there and building that up as well. You've done so much to build a stable server, Pl and not very many people could invest that kind of time and dedication to that. I'm glad I could help during the time everything was half way done. We've created a nice Creative server, a new forum, and a survival server together, and along with all the other News, and Build team people, and that's something that will go down in the wiki my friend. Ooh, looks like it needs updated now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Use this free time to focus more on you. You deserve it.