Hey Guys and Gals,
MT NewsTeam here, with another player spotlight! Today, we're interviewing a member of the staff team, passmesomebacon. I'm so glad to have been able to interview him, it was a great chance to have a look at staff duties.

The interview with him went as follows,
Why did you decide to apply for staff?
I wanted to help the players as much as i could and the only way i could help them more was to become staff.
How long have you been staff?
I've been staff since 28th December 2015.
What's the best part about being staff?
I would have to say helping the players is the best part.
What's a day in the life of being a staff member?
It Varies, sometimes you could have a day that's stressful and another day that's not.
What was your reaction when you were accepted to the team?
hard to explain. easiest way to explain it, is that i was very excited to be accepted.
What advice would you give to those striving to be staff themselves?
To never give up no matter how hopeless it seems.
Once again thank you Bacon for allowing me to Interview you!
To the readers: you might be interviewed next; keep an eye out for my message in game! Staff, don't forget that you can be interviewed too!
~MT News Team