Oh why not. BRING IT ON!
Why are you such a fan of the twilight series?

On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = super excited, 10 = brain explodes in anticipation) how excited would you be if another Twilight movie was to be released next week?
whats better: twilight books or the movies?
team Jacob OR team Edward?

Sayomie wrote:
Why are you such a fan of the twilight series?

Fettuccini wrote:
On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = super excited, 10 = brain explodes in anticipation) how excited would you be if another Twilight movie was to be released next week?
>.> NEGATIVE 10.
8x8Johan wrote:
whats better: twilight books or the movies?
Harry Potter
jjd712 wrote:
team Jacob OR team Edward?

So, I heard you're a twilight fan <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
Me too- I think, which one did you mean?

Me too- I think, which one did you mean?

Pokemon wrote:
So, I heard you're a twilight fan
Me too- I think, which one did you mean?
Me too- I think, which one did you mean?

Haha! I've been waiting for you to make one of these for days!
when my dad heard that the vampires in twilight "sparkle", he would keep refering to them as the gay vampires. this pissed my sister off to no end (while being quite funny and not ment to be homophobic in any way, just a way to annoy my sister). what are your thoughts on that?
p.s., im adding a third choice for jjd712's question, Team Alucard
EDIT: ok... im apparently slow to post, many of those werent there when i first clicked on this thread
p.s., im adding a third choice for jjd712's question, Team Alucard
EDIT: ok... im apparently slow to post, many of those werent there when i first clicked on this thread