username: Capitalpen
when you were banned: 4-5-2012
person who banned who: ?
Reason: stealing from Gotmilk's chest
Hi, I have been banned for stealing from Gotmilk's chest. The thing Is I didn't do it, my friend was trolling with me and whenever I would leave the room she would either destroy something in my house or throw my items in lava. And for some reason she thought it would be funny to steal from his chest. I sincerly apologize for breaking the rules, I will try better to watch over my account. Thanks
when you were banned: 4-5-2012
person who banned who: ?
Reason: stealing from Gotmilk's chest
Hi, I have been banned for stealing from Gotmilk's chest. The thing Is I didn't do it, my friend was trolling with me and whenever I would leave the room she would either destroy something in my house or throw my items in lava. And for some reason she thought it would be funny to steal from his chest. I sincerly apologize for breaking the rules, I will try better to watch over my account. Thanks