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[Enjin Archive] OkiFool66's Ban Appeal
Started by [E] Remove Kebab


Username: OkiFool66

When you were banned : 3-22-12 in Japan 3-21-12 in Canada

Person who banned you: Sayomie

Reason you were banned: Expressing my rage at a banned member in mumble who would never leave us alone and was well....you will see XD


Mumble logs of Cauldweller's typing, which was not featured in the video. Don't you just love how the guy just baits us into saying things when he's not talking so he can't be recorded?

(Channel) Cauldweller: yep

(Channel) Cauldweller: im waiting for sayomie

(Channel) Cauldweller: im going to pay him to do some server work for me and my friends

(Channel) Cauldweller: sayomie doesnt sound black

(Channel) Cauldweller: so hes not

(Channel) Cauldweller: he doesnt listen to me on the forums

(Channel) Cauldweller: im frends wif kassy

(Channel) Cauldweller: im frends wif kassy therfore sayomie wont be as mean as u guys r to me

(Channel) Cauldweller: really

(Channel) Cauldweller: that makes me feel sad

(Channel) Cauldweller: i never said bribe

(Channel) Cauldweller: i was going to pay

(Channel) Cauldweller: he didnt have to do it

(Channel) Cauldweller: thnx guys

(Channel) Cauldweller: ive gotta love fraps

(Channel) Cauldweller: <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>

(Channel) Cauldweller: really

(Channel) Cauldweller: lol

(Channel) Cauldweller: im vic at heart

(Channel) Cauldweller: lol

(Channel) Cauldweller: stealing

(Channel) Cauldweller: 2nd ban

(Channel) Cauldweller: danni

Cauldweller disconnected.

Cauldweller connected.

Cauldweller moved in from Mumble Server by the server.

(Channel) Cauldweller: u guys arnt as nice as u used to be

(Channel) Cauldweller: that basically means ur in wrong i never did anything to u

(Channel) Cauldweller: really

(Channel) Cauldweller: if u guys said leave

(Channel) Cauldweller: i would leave

Cauldweller disconnected.

Now, read through them. Read through them again. Read through them one last time. Now, does everyone see the part where he was going to try and PAY SAYOMIE to go work on his server? That my friends is bribery and from the 2:08 second long video that I've seen of his recording, he completely cut out my reaction to this. This part made me rage at it him, immensly. We told him repeatedly, and politely to leave the channel MANY TIMES before we just went off on him, conveniently that bit was cut out as well.

Now, read through the logs yet again. Particularly this part:

(Channel) Cauldweller: he doesnt listen to me on the forums

(Channel) Cauldweller: im frends wif kassy

(Channel) Cauldweller: im frends wif kassy therfore sayomie wont be as mean as u guys r to me

This is where Cauldweller was suffering to Sayomie. Now, I don't know wether or not Sayomie has a "thing" for Irethena but this has got me assuming that he does and that there may be a chance that she is using him or not, this is purely speculation. But this revelation along with Cauldweller, a banned player, coming onto mumble just to try and bribe/pay (go ask sawine and he will probably tell you its the same damn thing) one of our TOP ADMINS and imply that Sayomie would probably do it because he may or may not have a thing for Irethena A.K.A. Kassy. This just sickened me beyond belief. I said what I said to him because of all of that. I was hoping that the drama would have ended and the entire "powerpole" ordeal over but no, this kid had to come in essentially flatout say that Irethena could practically use Sayomie for whatever she wanted, including get him to listen to a little kid offering to bribe him to go work on another server.

Does this sicken anyone else? Does this make anyone else want to rage? Good, it should. He should be banned forever and from everything.

Ask him for the rest of the damn video. As you can see from the chat logs, there is far more than 2:08 of conversation. So, where is the rest of it? Where is the rest of the story? Did I mention that he also came in when heiwashin was passed out and tried to also bribe him to come and work on his server?

Need I say more? Need I say once again that I raged because everything he brought up essentially told me that some of the staff may be corrupted? Need I say that I was fully justified in my response?

What more do you want? I can give you anything.

EDIT: For those of you who have watched the video or have seen/heard that I told Cauldweller to kill himself, this is true, but, I told him to kill himself many months ago when he legitimately told me that the only way to get him to go was to tell him that. In the video I referenced that I had "practically told him to go kill himself" - Quote 2:00 - 2:08. Just clearing that up in case it has confused anyone
Oki as a staff member you have to maintain a level of maturity and responsibility, In the video jallaf told you to just ban him and then you contemplated this and then decided to do what you did instead of avoiding the confrontation and banning him from mumble. Why did you not do this?
After discussing this with the staff managers and sawine we have decided to give you a 2 week temp ban and demote you from staff .