its just the start. genetics has come a long way and it will help alot of people, but if the good guys know this much, just think what the bad guys are gonna do with it. Our world is going to know diseases like none that have come before it and the people engineering them are going to make huge profits when they spread the disease, and then offer up a cure - its a sick twisted world out there. Monsanto seed corp has already sued people - they engineer genetically enhanced seeds for farmers - what happened was someone using the monsanto seeds lived next to someone using regular seeds - and they cross pollinated. monsanto then sued this person whos crops got pollinated by their seeds for millions.
people are up to alot of shady shit out there - fucking with genetics is great and all - but the fact that ANYONE can go online to a website and order "building bricks" aka a genetic strand or multiple strands - all you do with them is dumb them together and you can create NEW ELEMENTS - NEW DNA - shits scary. my sister is a genetic counselor and says this order list doesn't contain anything harmful BY THEMSELVES - but when mixed together some of these things can create terrible diseases - and more so; NEW DISEASES. anyone can go to the site and order it. ANYONE. you could be 40, white, black, indian, japanese, dirty knees look at these it doesn't matter.
and that scares me.
people could order what they want and go out to their garage and make some deadly toxin and release it on their town - or on a foreign land <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object>
its just the start. genetics has come a long way and it will help alot of people, but if the good guys know this much, just think what the bad guys are gonna do with it. Our world is going to know diseases like none that have come before it and the people engineering them are going to make huge profits when they spread the disease, and then offer up a cure - its a sick twisted world out there. Monsanto seed corp has already sued people - they engineer genetically enhanced seeds for farmers - what happened was someone using the monsanto seeds lived next to someone using regular seeds - and they cross pollinated. monsanto then sued this person whos crops got pollinated by their seeds for millions.
people are up to alot of shady shit out there - fucking with genetics is great and all - but the fact that ANYONE can go online to a website and order "building bricks" aka a genetic strand or multiple strands - all you do with them is dumb them together and you can create NEW ELEMENTS - NEW DNA - shits scary. my sister is a genetic counselor and says this order list doesn't contain anything harmful BY THEMSELVES - but when mixed together some of these things can create terrible diseases - and more so; NEW DISEASES. anyone can go to the site and order it. ANYONE. you could be 40, white, black, indian, japanese, dirty knees look at these it doesn't matter.
and that scares me.
people could order what they want and go out to their garage and make some deadly toxin and release it on their town - or on a foreign land <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object>
also; do you think its a coincidence it popped up in Uganda? down in south africa? really?
and you dont think it could maybe be related to wanting to stop the struggle for power there? or maybe even a lazy way to try to control the aids epidemic? I think they specifically choose where to release the new bio engineer'd whatever it may have been - shit maybe it was a vaccine for something they needed to test on humans...who better than these poor Africans living in the dirt that dont have a good chance of making it passed their teenage years? It sickens me the way the major drug corporations operate on a daily basis. even in press conferences they act like their shit doesnt stink and like they ARE god - they are willing to do anything to make money at any cost to anyone but themselves.
its sad, but half of the world have their backs turned to the drug companies - thinking they are only out for a positive solution. Who helped start the swine flue scare? Avian flu? etc etc the list goes on and on and on and back and back further and further into history - its scare tactics to keep us all terrified and the plan is that we will then follow what they tell us. make us think they are the ones to listen too to be safe..YEAH RIGHT. You know that some vaccines you get now, administer a microchip into your bloodstream? thats right, a tiny little tracking device for you and me and your kids. It sounds like science fiction, or like some crazy conspiracy but its true. Did you know that any passport since 07 has a microchip in it too? no more fucking wheres waldo, their sick of that game.
anyone here from canada? were u in toronto for the city shut down? where they turned the city into a police state and forced citizens to comply to their ridiculous rules?
.....the world is changing. boarders are shut down, canada the us and other nations are now working together to find a way to control the population. If you dont already know you better start to look into it before they bring it to your doorstep because its coming
and you dont think it could maybe be related to wanting to stop the struggle for power there? or maybe even a lazy way to try to control the aids epidemic? I think they specifically choose where to release the new bio engineer'd whatever it may have been - shit maybe it was a vaccine for something they needed to test on humans...who better than these poor Africans living in the dirt that dont have a good chance of making it passed their teenage years? It sickens me the way the major drug corporations operate on a daily basis. even in press conferences they act like their shit doesnt stink and like they ARE god - they are willing to do anything to make money at any cost to anyone but themselves.
its sad, but half of the world have their backs turned to the drug companies - thinking they are only out for a positive solution. Who helped start the swine flue scare? Avian flu? etc etc the list goes on and on and on and back and back further and further into history - its scare tactics to keep us all terrified and the plan is that we will then follow what they tell us. make us think they are the ones to listen too to be safe..YEAH RIGHT. You know that some vaccines you get now, administer a microchip into your bloodstream? thats right, a tiny little tracking device for you and me and your kids. It sounds like science fiction, or like some crazy conspiracy but its true. Did you know that any passport since 07 has a microchip in it too? no more fucking wheres waldo, their sick of that game.
anyone here from canada? were u in toronto for the city shut down? where they turned the city into a police state and forced citizens to comply to their ridiculous rules?
.....the world is changing. boarders are shut down, canada the us and other nations are now working together to find a way to control the population. If you dont already know you better start to look into it before they bring it to your doorstep because its coming