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[Enjin Archive] New possible command for donators?
Started by [E] JungleFvr

I was thinking of a command that could be applied to donators and you can decide on what dollar donator could get it, but here is my idea.

I had a lot of strick in my inventory and I had to keep putting it in my conversion box to make it wool. To make it easier I was thinking, if there is a way to do it. I am not a programmer so I dont know if it would be possible or east to do, but make a command called /convert and it automatically converts the items in your inventory to the other item if it has an option.

Ex. If you had 4 stacks of string in your inventory and you did /convert it turned it to 1 stack of wool.

or If you had a stack of nuggets it converted it to how ever many gold bars it would equal too.

It doesnt have to be 4 stacks of string you could have 1 stack of string and it made it 16 wool. Etc

Just an idea.
What you can do is put the string in the crafting box, then right-click on the wool to get 64 wool placed into your inventory <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f609.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=";)">;)</object>
Try the client mod 'Convenient Inventory' It lets you alt+click on an item to fill the crafting box with what ever you are clicking on. It also adds a few other tweaks to improve inventory management.
Ok who deleted my post.

What was ur post tp?
TPrezzle wrote:
Ok who deleted my post.


If you want to tell jokes go use the off-topic forum category. Especially when they are crude. Why can't a donor make a serious inquiry without you using it as a launchpad for your humor segment on Youtube? Perhaps they didn't even know you could craft a stack of materials at once. Knock it off. It is fine if you want to spend hours on the internet be-dazzling your avatar, telling jokes, and trolling the posts of others, just do it somewhere else and stay out of the way. We, the staff, are trying to support our users here.

edit: I am the one who reported your post, if it isn't obvious from the above.
yield are we allowed to use a client with those mods?
I know you can hold a button down once all the string is in the crafting box and it puts a whole stack back in your inventory. Maybe I didnt explain it right....

All im saying is if you had 4 stacks of string or whatever a pieces of string, Instead of moving it to your crafting box and then holding down the button to move it back to the inventory. You just left if in your inventory and hit /convert and whatever was in your inventory was converted to its other form. I.e. String = wool.

It cuts out the steps of moving it to crafting and back to inventory.
You should check out Yield's recommendation, it would still be a time saver.

If you had 256 string in your inventory, you could Alt+Left-Click 1 string and all 256 would fill your crafting box, resulting in a new stack of wool.

Compare that to your suggestion and the time it would take you to put the active item into your hand, press T, and type /convert

And that's just one feature of Convenient Inventory. Probably the best solution for now.

This feature as requested would wind up being very limited in practice, having to be programmed to avoid all materials that have multiple outputs when used in a crafting box/workbench.

How can the server know what you want the sticks in your inventory to be converted to? Fence? Ladders? When you think about all the combinations of single materials you can see it may not be as feasible as it sounded at first, unless you kept it for just 1 recipe per block/item at the most.
I say we all get TooManyItems, then everyones happy!