so basically I have really noticed that minetown is looking NOT TOO GOOD i know im not active and abandoned my town and stuff but just tryin to make it better for u
once something is gone, you cannot get it back. You can merely move on and try to make it better than what it is.
'minetown is looking NOT TOO GOOD' since when have I said I want the old minetown back? Ok, the titles misleading lol
Anyway, instead of being negative like this and on the majority of your wall, maybe accept you're not staff anymore and try to carry on?
Anyway, instead of being negative like this and on the majority of your wall, maybe accept you're not staff anymore and try to carry on?
10/10 for suggestions and ideas
@10189528 wrote:
just tryin to make it better for u

Lmao thx
For your information, I have recommended ways for minetown to grow in popularity, I have not only posted suggestions in the "Survival in Agharta" thread but yesterday talked with Kalel (A manager) on what I do with my business that seems to grow my facebook presence, thus getting more traffic towards my business. I believe that if they merely implemented minor changes to their updating/outreaches they could grow in popularity. I have also consistently asked what the status on voting is, as its one way they can pull in more members. More members means more word of mouth, more word of mouth leads to more people joining the site. Maybe then staff could find eager souls willing to help be staff/do what needs to be done that they can all work well with.
I wasn't even being negative in this thread. I was merely stating something we learned back when Classic took its nap. You cannot remake something that was destroyed, you can take the pieces of what you have left, mold it into something similar and then improve or change it to what works for what you have now.
I wasn't even being negative in this thread. I was merely stating something we learned back when Classic took its nap. You cannot remake something that was destroyed, you can take the pieces of what you have left, mold it into something similar and then improve or change it to what works for what you have now.
i'm sorry, I'm not psychic- if you don't want people calling you negative tell them the positive stuff.

A bit of a public statement on voting:
It is being worked on. It is not a simple fix, and we've been trying to fix it for weeks.
Please be patient.
It is being worked on. It is not a simple fix, and we've been trying to fix it for weeks.
Please be patient.