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[Enjin Archive] Free leather boots? 0.o
Started by [E] OdNebuula

when im fishing i keep getting leather boots?


ive gotten a few now. look at the chat log and at my inventory 0.o
The fish is in the leather boots.
is this normal though? are you supposed to catch boots? lol
It's part of the MCmmo plugin. Here's the link:

Yes, it is intentional, though the rate needs a little adjusting. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>

edit: While mcmmo does have such feature, in this case, it's a different plugin paying kudos to the good ole' fishing boot.
It's... a VERY old role playing joke seen in several games/cartoons/whatever.

"You fish up an old boot!"

Sadly MC can only manage a pair of Leather Boots, but the joke is 'An Old Boot'.
i wish you could turn it into leather
That would defy physics, my friend. Think about it... 4 leathers to make 2 boots. You "technically" cut those leathers into the right shape, therefore you lose material. It wouldn't be able to even yield one leather, due to the fact that they're all cut up and not an exact cow hide anymore.

EDIT: But I'm sure we could make a plugin for such, if someone is willing to do so (I'm too lazy to make it, haha).
Boy, I can remember the days of ol, Role a D20...Okay....die lands on a 1....Damn it.....As you feel a tug on your line you reel it in as fast as you can...As the excitment builds you cant help but feel a bit of accomplishment...as you....pull up an ol boot....Well..Damn.... Lol D&D 2cnd edition was one of my favorites :0