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[Enjin Archive] Nimaro City needs members!
Started by [E] Nurfy

So yes, Nimaro City is expanding rapidly, I recently claimed a nearby little city and lots of land, however we have the feeling we need some help to guide everything in proper lines.

Most people already know our city but ill tell a bit about it. Currently we have 2 owners and 2 co-owners. Two of them being moderator+ we have a nice city pretty close to spawn. We have lots of facilities in our town and always are on top of new things that come out. Usually we come up with smart things to gain an advantage over other players on the market, meaning we are not poor.

Now what we are looking for is one or more persons that want to become part of Nimaro City (/warp nimaro). There are a few things we like the person to have:

Preferable 18+ of age (more mature jada jada).

Having high standards, we currently handle a certain style in our city (infrastructure, lightning, building rules) and we like you to maintain them aswell.

Being able to come on mumble or skype (and have a mic) since we like to communicate through voice since its faster and more efficient.

Willing to be mainly a part of Nimaro, feel free to build in other towns but we like expect the majority of time spend in Nimaro ofcourse.

Being able to guide things in proper lines (assign plots), and being able to see where you can help out or to come up with good idea's.

Help maintain the city and its facilities.

Loyal and trustworthy.

Ofcourse we prefer people we allready know for a while but we're not narrow minded, so if you think your up for it let us know.

In return you ofcourse will be added to our main territory protection so your pretty much free to help out wherever u want, also you ofcourse get room to build your own house(s)/building(s). Once you gained our trust and you showed you are good there is a big chance we will promote you to Co-Owner of our town giving you even more access to even cooler things and share our belongings for the good of our city.

I would gladly help <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object> But im 14 (soon 15) not 18 :/
Well that narrows the selection down. The majority of people are under 18 and definitely do not use Mumble. Also most people have 2 or 3 houses, leaving those is a pretty big ask.

Well, I know I had like 7 houses. Half of them are probably reclaimed, but I know I'd choose them over one, no matter how nice looking and well made it is.
Nimaro is most definitely a beautiful place...However Being 31, Creating and having my own town, and enjoying making and helping others also build their own towns. 100% dedication and loyalty is a bit of a stretch...

There is just way to much in minecraft to dedicate myself to just one spot....
I updated that line a bit, I myself build in other towns sometimes too, I recently build some stuff in Rio Grande (statue, storage hall and library). But ofcourse I spend most of my time on Nimaro, thats kinda the thing we expect.
Kudo's for a fast fix <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> If you need any help building or what not, I dont mind lending you all a hand...Don't need to be a part of the town, But I'm willing to help none the less
i so wish i wasnt an owner of a town rite now as i would love to help out i love nimaro city and just wish i was apart of it but i own a town grrrr
ide like to help out. i already have a pretty well developed region of my own (its not a town, despite what everyone whos been there believe) that two of my friends live in. warp ltmart to look around. im 25 in june, so i think i fit the age requirement lol. lemme know what you think, im looking into trying to becoming more involved witth the server as a whole, so i hope you accept!
I can help Nick. I know you know I am part of another town, but I can dedicate all my time to Nimaro.

Please message me.
I would love to be one I used to have a lot in Nimaro. I am unfortunately only 14 but I am responsible. Please message me if I can.