Apparently people have been telling a certain mod that I said I was staff, i'm not. Please do not make false accusations about me, nor spread rumors. I am NOT staff. I have never said anything of me being a staff member, only things i have said were i hope to get TrialMod when the new server comes out. This makes me not want to help people as much as i do anymore, Please stop spreading these rumors. >.<
lolz, something simmiliar is happening to me the whole time, most people think i am the mod nick, lolz IM NOT, i dont have any rags infront of my name! :3 please stop asking me to make your PE's...
Some new players consider me as a mod because of the way I type! I wish I could give them diamonds but...

Many people have mistaked me as a mod but then i simply say "wouldnt i be flying right now?"
Then they find out im some weirdo giving them free stuff and helping them <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
Then they find out im some weirdo giving them free stuff and helping them <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
Yeah me too they think i am a mod .. Ohh wait.. wrong thread
Even since I was a guest, people have been PMing me asking me to look at thier apps, thinking I was staff... lol
Guests think anyone with a colourful name is a mod/admin. Heck, they think you're staff if you talk in proper sentences.
WOW, by the looks of it, everyone thinks everyone is mods...
This seems like a thread where people can just say 'People think im a mod cos im sooo helpfull and shtuff'
This seems like a thread where people can just say 'People think im a mod cos im sooo helpfull and shtuff'
never happened to me <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object> mouhahahahaha maybe cause my name is white <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
They said i was a mod once, if i was: Wouldn't I FIX MY PES?
Joke aside, they've been thinking me as a mod too. Quite annoying.
Joke aside, they've been thinking me as a mod too. Quite annoying.