A zombie has been seen walking around the server. This isn't unusual for Minecraft, but it's not your average zombie. You see, a few days ago a grave was made for Tprezzle, as shown here (apologies in advanced for lack of texture pack, I can't use one until server updates to 1.2):

This clearly shows that he's been buried; however, he was seen today chatting and walking around the server! He was clearly resurrected! So it's up to you Minetown to figure this out: Who did it, and why? Post here with your suspects and reasons, and at the end we'll find this necromancer and put them to justice!

This clearly shows that he's been buried; however, he was seen today chatting and walking around the server! He was clearly resurrected! So it's up to you Minetown to figure this out: Who did it, and why? Post here with your suspects and reasons, and at the end we'll find this necromancer and put them to justice!