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[Enjin Archive] Proposal of change to market plot sell rules.
Started by [E] lostbit


I gave some thought to this so this post is a bit extensive, but i believe it focus on a pertinent problem with the market.

In one line i think that the policy for market plot sell is mainly arbitrary and going to propose 2 solutions for it.

Reasoning behind it:

- Townville owns a stall at the market. We started with a undermarket one and later changed to a ground floor one.

- I've been looking to exchange to a full shop plot for about 1.5 months. During this time i've been petitioning, pm, mailing and asking for this exchange whenever i see a plot i like. I did not only asked to the mods, i also tried to talk to players that where loosing their plots.

- I have spent a lot of time online during this 2 months (GMT)

- I lost a couple of plots because i was not online when they where auctioned.

- I've been using several markets, undermarket and deep market as my own suppliers. This makes money flow and creates a win-win situation. At ground floor i dont even need to advertise the shop that much.

- I'm sure other good shops face the same problem. I can remember 2 shops at the undermarket that wanted, at a time at least, to change, and some top market shops that feel they are not well located.

- I've been once told that the fact that i already own a stall (or a shop) in the market makes it harder to exchange to a new plot!

So. I know the rules, and do not wish to impose any kind of burden to anyone, but i find quite unfair that i had no real chance at getting the plots.

We have a quite successful stall and being relative young on the market we are already one of the oldest shops!

This brings us to a point:

- Having a shop in the market, namely on the ground floor, is not an easy task. Even at the undermarket it can be a burden.

- Giving a ground market plot to an unprepared player is a certain way to have the shop mostly unstocked.

So my idea is that there should be a process that somehow, guaranteed fair treatment to this shops that are able to keep stocked. This is would be wealthy to everyone, because active shops need active suppliers that many times are other shops!

My Solutions:

1º Auction free ground level plots in the forum.

This one is quite straight forward. open an auction to everyone. I'm sure good shops will have a fair chance and that old and richer players are wise enough to don't go for it if they don't *want* it.

Auctions should focus on one plot. I myself am not thinking on loose our awesome stall to a bad located shop. This is why I'm not entering in the plot's lottery.

2º Give Priority to shops already in the market to exchange to free ground plots.

I really like this solution but it may not be easy to implement but lets see:

- Shops that would go for the free plots would sure be active shops at the time (or they would be free).

- Good shops at the undermarket have a chance to move up.

- This would lead to a good wealthy market at top floor. The undermarket would serve to trial new shops and probably as shop suppliers to ground floor. (Note: Undermarket is a good market as unstocked shops show)

- Many other markets may gain. I do a note here about townville market. Our shops there do work because lots of the stuff is actually sold at the market!

Well that is all. If you got here thanks for your attention <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>. I hope we can reach a good solution for this.

Theres a now a new system for upper level plots where you apply for the plot lottery with sayomie so you have a chance to get the plot without being online.
How do you apply? I saw there are plots and am very interested <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>
The way this usually happens is Sayomie will create a forum thread and list the plots involved in the lottery. You post in the thread, and then when the lottery is done, he generates random numbers until they match up with a postid in the thread. Person with that post, wins that lot. Repeat until all lots have been awarded. Usual ownership rules apply, limit 1 lot per player and so forth.
Well i Think my point was not made clear. This time ill try to keep it short.

Again in one line i think actual methods for market plot sell are arbitrary.

I've been on the market on a daily basis for 2 months so I'm quite aware of current methods to do this sell.

My post was not about me, townville stall or any other particular player shop.

My point is:

- Spawn Market is vital to minetown. It makes materials flow (from all the markets). This means more quality building and a better economy.

- A wealthy market is good for minetown and everyone.

As so i really think there should be another method that allowed good shops to get good plots!

I don't think any of the current methods is very good for this. I believe lottery is just a way of passing the problem to players who win the lottery.

To Stress the problem i point out that in the last 2 months i saw some shop plots being exchanged at least 3 times because players could not keep up to it.

So, what i wanted from this post was to raise a bit of discussion about this.

As i said i don't want this to be a burden to anyone (actual methods are not), and so not sure if it is possible to reach a better solution.

Anyway, enough chit chat, i have a shop to work out <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>.