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[Enjin Archive] Curious/Wierd question
Started by [E] Schwarherz

First let me start off by saying I'm not entirely sure this is in the right section, so I apologize. I thought it might have needed to go under Support but couldn't be sure. Anyway.

A while back I gained mayorship to a town because I was the only active owner and the town needed redefined because of a bug. Well, the town had already had plots in it, some of which belonged to people I had never met (and have not seen since). There are several of them that I don't even know the names of the people that purchased the plots. This was a few weeks ago and Ive been too busy with other projects to deal with it, but now that I'm getting around to it I've noticed exactly how much space is being taken up by these unknown buildings. No one has contacted me, the other owner hasn't been on to tell me if she's been contacted...So, I guess my question is, what is the proper way for me to notify and potentially repossess these lots?
The first step is to notify your residents. The best way to do this is to make a forum thread named "Attention <city name> Residents" and give them a run down on what you are planning on doing. If you want to make sure you don't mess anything up, grab some string and get the name of the owner of each plot. Hold the string and right click on a block in the plot to get the region name of the plot. Then use the command "/region info <plot name> and take note of who has permission of the plot.
That's the thing though. The ones that I'm concerned about don't HAVE a plot. Like I said, the region had to be redefined to fix a bug a few weeks back, and doing that removed all the plots. The only plots that are set are the empty ones that I have sold or given away since then.

EDIT: empty ones as in plots that had not yet been sold when I took over MCTowns control of the town.
May I suggest you place a sign directly by the town warp and by the properties themselves, asking the inhabitant to mail you. Give it 2 weeks or so. For those that don't reply, delete their region.

In future, try making plot names named after the owner, IE, mytown_plot_adam so to identify the owner all youll need is string. I MAY be wrong, but i believe theres a command to tell you who has permissions in that particular area, although I'm afraid I'm not sure of the command itself :/ (edit : /region info <regionname>)

If they havent replied within 2 weeks, it suggests they are inactive or no longer in that town. Most towns have a rule anyway that after a set period of inactivity, you're out.

Hope this helped <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
*chuckles* yeah it helped, I think that's probably what I'll do. Though I still don't think there is an understanding in the fact that these plots have buildings in them but do not have an MCTowns definition due to the town having to be redefined ^^;

My current plan of action: Sign at town warp for 2 weeks with accompanying signs on houses. After the 2 weeks making a PE to see if the mods can tell me who built the things and if the player is active. If not, ask the mods if I can remove the buildings. If yes, remove the buildings.
Sounds like a plan ^-^ good luck.