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[Enjin Archive] Uhhh why did the admin conplain my application was too short???
Started by [E] robeagle

:chillpill: Cant they just understand that some people dont like to fill these things in and how does half of it matter?!?!!?!? :chillpill:
I got the same thing the first time I filled it out. I honestly don't know if there is ANY point to it other than getting you to donate 5 bucks in annoyance (maybe stop bots but there are far simpler ways of doing that...). Just fluff it up more and it should pass; I didn't have to write a whole lot to get passed. If I'm missing some point to this application process, someone else please fill in. I personally think it's a terrible idea that keeps people away from the server as it's easier to just check out the next server in the rankings than to sit around and wait to get approved on this one... :/
Its to prove that u really are interested in joining the server as well as, allowing the admin team and mods to see what sort of person you are. This is why they want you to fill out an application form with at least some info about yourself and with a bit of bulk to it, not just 1 word answers that i know is done by some people when they apply <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
We get well over 4000 applicants per month. On average we accept around 20-40 new members per day. To try and control the population from over expanding and also to chose only good applicants means we get a lot of good members within minetown. If the player cannot be bothered to do us a good application why should we be bothered to work our arses off to fill their every needs?

Also many of the good applicants tell us about what type of server they are interested in, what they enjoy doing within a community. We take these sorts of comments on board and try to work on them to make the overall gaming experience a better one.

At minetown we actually do care about trying to keep standards high and make it exciting for everyone, if players are not prepared to help us by doing a good application form then they will not get accepted.

I hope this helps you understand a little better as to why we only accept good applications and if you have any questions about the server I am more than happy to answer them, just drop me a message <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>

Cya x
Oh, I know why: because we don't want little kids who are going to act like immature brats on the server, that's why. If a person is mature enough to fill out everything honestly and to the best of their knowledge, then they will get accepted. However, if you're going to complain about having to write out an application that takes less than five minutes versus paying $5, which you may or may not have, then that shows us that you're too immature. It's not about if you like to fill it out. Who cares if you don't want to fill it out? And better yet, do you understand how many things you won't want to do in the course of your lifetime? Let me list a few:

- Paying utility bills

- Paying taxes

- Paying car insurance bills

- Paying car repair bills

- Paying car payments

- Writing long reports about meaningless crap

- Spending hundreds of dollars on a textbook you'll never use, but you're required to buy anyways

I could keep going on, but that would be a waste.

Every single part of the application pertains to your experience on Minetown. Your age has a slight chance of telling us how mature you are. How much you play and your experience in MC will determine how you will initially interact with the server and its community. Telling us about yourself, why you would like to join Minetown, and how active you will be on the website gives yourself a chance to evaluate why exactly you are joining this server in the first place, and if you want to follow through with your decision. How you heard about us is for analysis of where we should look for more players if needed. Now here's the important one:
Minetown Application Form wrote:
Have you read the rules and clearly understand them?

If you were to break ANY rule, we can hold you against this. This statement, along with the last one where you "certify that the information you provided above is exact and valid" is binding. Now why would we ask you if you know any programming languages? Well, we are always looking for developers to improve the server, so that's the point of that questtion. And of course the optional section is for any other remarks.

Hope that explains the application enough to understand why it's important. Trust me, it's more of a pain to manually process the 100+ apps we get per day, so just quit whining and properly fill out the app if you want to join the server. Oh and I'm locking the thread, since the question has been answered.
