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[Enjin Archive] Survival in Agharta
Started by [E] Kalendor

This is still a fantastic idea, there could be an area in spawn. We definitely have been looking for more reasons for players to enjoy being in spawn, this would be a fantastic add i believe
For the homes for donations that was the largest reason I donated actual money to the server. Reality is servers should and need to make some real money.

Anything that boosts community activities again are great. Quests, build competitions, player run and staff run games would ask help achieve getting more positive player interaction going again
I have been gone for quite a long time but i check the forum every once in a while... A lot of the things Novaleigh brings up were actually planned for Agahrta and never were implemented.

1. Quests were definitely supposed to happen and never did.

2. A way for players to explore Spawn, like certain quests made you go to certain places.

3. Spawn is a gigantic museum but I think redoing the whole thing would be destroying 2 years worth of work by the Original Build Team (I was a part of that, I built the Travel District in the center circle of spawn). I think that down scaling would help but not completely redoing.

4. I remember when player builds were put into spawn, The Air Ships in the Travel District on the insanely large airport thing were built by players in a Build Competition. Bringing that back is a wonderful idea.

I just noticed this post and had to put input even though I never even play on the server anymore...

Keep surviving!
What if, for the new spawn, we made it seem more like we as a community built it? You could hold themed build events inside an event cube. Break it up into teams, and give them a two hour time limit to build something that fits the theme (we always had chests that supplied us with necessary materials back in the day). You could do banks, hospitals, churches, etc....big builds that are commonplace in the spawn areas on servers. Whoever wins each theme, their build can be part of the new spawn

Just an idea <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
I like these ideas of adding community builds to the new spawn, the community should be able to contribute to the new spawn.
So, after listening to members like myself, and hearing what they have to say/feel about the server I have a suggestion:

A -PLAYER- elected official that sits down at staff meetings (assuming they're being had) and voices player concerns that are brought to them. The position would be temporary, they wouldn't get any special powers or title other than sitting in on the meeting and voicing player concerns. There are various ways this could be tackled, various limits that could be enforced. (Like, perhaps you can only be the player official so many times a year or something).

There could be a thread for them to post what they brought up and what was said about it. Something to pull the players into the server a bit more, make it feel like their thoughts are heard a bit more substantially than they are right now.

If there are no staff meetings, then perhaps an 'official' could be elected, have like, so many weeks to gather player questions/concerns and then have a meeting with parts of staff (as not all can typically make meeting times) once every few months.
@1215969 wrote:
So, after listening to members like myself, and hearing what they have to say/feel about the server I have a suggestion:

A -PLAYER- elected official that sits down at staff meetings (assuming they're being had) and voices player concerns that are brought to them. The position would be temporary, they wouldn't get any special powers or title other than sitting in on the meeting and voicing player concerns. There are various ways this could be tackled, various limits that could be enforced. (Like, perhaps you can only be the player official so many times a year or something).

There could be a thread for them to post what they brought up and what was said about it. Something to pull the players into the server a bit more, make it feel like their thoughts are heard a bit more substantially than they are right now.

If there are no staff meetings, then perhaps an 'official' could be elected, have like, so many weeks to gather player questions/concerns and then have a meeting with parts of staff (as not all can typically make meeting times) once every few months.

The staff are first and foremost players on the server, if the staff cannot already view the issue from a player perspective then something about the staff needs to change.
The issue is not that they can't relate to players, its that the players are left potentially in the dark. Just like, we had a staff meeting on the 5th...nothing was told to members. There is no statement about whats going on with the new spawn area other than a message that it has been shrunk. We have a thread asking (this one we're in) about things to improve Agharta's performance but as far as the members know their ideas haven't even really been read/thought about.

Not every staff has a voice, in fact the managers are really the ones that make most/all of the decisions. This elected official would change, it wouldn't be the same person all the time. Members wouldn't feel like there is the 'circle' of staff that gets to decide everything. These are all statements that have been told to me by other members, not just my own views.

On top of that staff seems to have their hands full with various projects, this official's only sole duty would be to let the members know just whats going on at the meeting, whats coming for agharta and if they issues/concerns can and will be addressed.

Much like the Skyblock suggestions thread, it would be a conversation piece of sorts. If you don't want an official, fine. Make an Agharta thread were players are getting feedback by designated staff. If they ask a question they get an honest detailed answer. Not just a "No, because I said so" or "Lol no", but something to let them know that their idea was/has been considered and will/won't work or be something that will be brought towards management for further discussion.

At the end of the day its about 'customer service'. The members are customers in a sorts, it is them that keep the server going with donations and whatnot. Servers are built around bringing in people, people then donate and the donations run the server. Pleasing the people by involving them, letting them have a voice and letting them know it is heard will get you farther than ignoring the masses. Even if someone gives an idea that is rottenly horrible, politely explaining how it wouldn't work/how it would/could potentially do more harm that good lets that player know they were taken seriously, makes them feel invested in the server.

Right now most of the members I talk to about such topics feel that most staff don't care about Agharta, maybe its because Skyblock just came out, I don't know. The general feeling that is brought to my attention is that its corrupt, a tyranny where players who speak out are silenced and good ideas that could make the server flourish are ignored because the person stating them might not be 'friends' with management, or be one of the widely accepted players.

Granted, some of these players could just be whining because their idea wasn't picked, or they were ignored or told it was stupid. Having a conversational place, having a person who gives detailed/personal answers versus just "lol no" would help remedy that and bring the players closer to the staff.
This thread we're in is here for the purpose of everything you outlined. If members have concerns and requests of things to be done, then they can post it in here. Is there a guarantee their idea will be chosen and used? No. But that doesn't mean we don't read each and every post and consider it, though I do understand that you all might want a full response, rather than just us considering it privately. I'll start responding myself, and push other management to do the same.

So, let's start off with a response to your member official idea. After discussing it with a few other managers, our thoughts were that the idea may hold a bit of merit, but in general, it's unecessary for a player to be at our meetings. The reasoning behind this is that we discuss strictly staff related things at these meetings which frankly, members do not need to know(example, permission related things for staff ranks). The merit is there, personally I wouldnt mind talking with a few members about issues they feel are prevalent privately, but something we do not want is a member attending our meetings. In the meantime, keep responding to this thread with ideas/questions/concerns, and we'll start directly responding to them.
Hello i have an idea for the agarta server. First of everyone may not like this idea but i think we should add shows like talk shows, Game Shows, And my favorite for agarta Shark Tank. I think shark tank would be a good show because when people are making bussnesses they need money to make it so it would be a good start for them. The second thing is to possibly add a rich neighborhood in the spawn. This would work if you are going to buy a big 150k prebuilt house in the agarta spawn. The other thing is Posibly adding a purge night in agarta. i think this would be cool because their has never been a server i heard of that one night in a year is a purge. I think this feature would attract more pvprs and possibly make this server grow. The last idea for the agarta server that i have always wanted to be able to Known for so i have thought that an awards night in spawn would be cool to be awarded awards like richest person in server, Most active player,Best builder and best built town


Coolest Of Jacks