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[Enjin Archive] Assignments
Started by [E] TheBadFox

I'm currently on a break from all responsibility to re-find myself, unfortunately due to circumstances I will not discuss that have spoiled my mood for the past month, I've spent that time watching horror flicks and american dad, then sleeping.

To get my creative juices flowing again, I'm obligating myself to make a minimum 2 (near complete) pieces of art a day. In addition to my scheduled projects, I'd like to be suggested "assignments" from members, with either loose or strict requirements pertaining to subject and/or technique, as I've found it to be a good method for discovering new ideas/techniques to put into other subjects.

Keep in mind, my BFA is in photography and I minored in printmaking with focus in screenprinting and relief carving. With the rapidity I'd like to do these, I'd like to stick to digital photography; also I may only produce a digital mock print for screenprint and only a small scale single color relief block.

Though it's really nothing special, my fourth work in the last two days is my new avatar.
Your avatar actually looks quite good. Well done!
Very well done avatar.

I am not sure exactly how difficult I can make my request but I have a few ideas.

I would like it if you could put together a row of plastic dolls, with one doll off-center with white hair, burning eyes and a wide grin and the shelf being a mantle piece or something similar. I would ask for a mirror above it showing the rest of the room, but that is approaching impossibility without personally staging this scene. As for the doll's attire, I'd like them to be formally dressed.

Tell me how insane this sort of request is and I hope to see something come of it. I'll tone my other ideas depending on how much you can do.
design a pillar 5 blocks squared and 50 blocks tall for use in a cathedral
Only took about 5 minutes to make though, so no challenge lol. Little dramatic light on a cheap holloween mask and done.

Cryston, I'll see what I can cobble up soon. The house I recently moved into has some potentially usable plastic dolls located under the dilapidated shed in the backyard, such is the reason it has been dubbed the "John Wayne Gacy Shed". The fireplace mantle should work just fine with a large blackened mirror placed behind the dolls which would provide a clean background and full coverage of the room in front of the dolls while also giving the slightly uneasy darkness that I think you're going for.


-To complete the feel of emptyness, remove myself from the mirrors reflection from a position where the observer(camera's eye) should be.

-Create, if possible, a way for dressing the dolls in formal attire despite all known dolls being nude, missing parts, or being She-Ra.

-Minor photoshopping to the face of askew doll to give smile, white hair, and piercing eyes.

bbrooks, this is for non minecraft related art... Unless its some type of minecraft photographic deal, which believe me, is a pain. Granted I did work out the general process of converting my town into a scaled replica made of solid aluminium that includes buildings that open up like a playset, but it's going to be a nightmare.
I wasn't expecting you to have the materials to stage it yourself, but since you do that sounds absolutely awesome. The missing parts doesn't bother me, but hopefully there can be some way to dress them.

Since you apparently can stage the scene, if you had a rocking chair, I'd definitely want that in the reflection.

Just as an idea I might want a version with a little girl in the room in similar attire to the doll that's askew with similar effects on the face to make the girl tied into the doll.

I'm hoping to get a real creepy vibe from it as often occurs when there is such an innocent scene with something completely out of place. I didn't even dream of you actually having the materials to stage this one yourself, but I am so glad that you can. Feel free to stop me if I start making something too crazy.
No rocking chair or minor models, thinking it'd be nice to have this sideboard that also came with the house showing in the reflection, it's about 100 years old and has a mirror I could try re-reflecting the dolls... So the mantle mirror will have a reflection of the sideboard, whose mirror with show the reflection of the dolls... In theory.
At this point, I'll just leave it to you.

I'm afraid if I keep spouting ideas I'll just get this whole thing off track.
Ever play with blender3d, wings3d or meshmixer? I always thought it would be interesting to import a minecraft model into blender, render a 180 degree view of it and have a colour hologram made up at liti3d.
Nah, I can use photoshop alright enough for splicing together pictures and color correction, but otherwise I'm old school. Nothing beats chemicals and heavy metals for printing pictures.

lol Cryston, I haven't started it yet, but this would be your last chance. Making time to start on it tomorrow morning and probably be finished in the early AM. Still working on how to dress them, I didn't want to have to go out and buy anything but I'll dig those dolls up and see how they'd do if I bought some rose pedals and super glued/inked dresses for them. I figure formal dresses are just made to look like upside down flowers anyway.