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[Enjin Archive] CS price adjustment
Started by [E] Eunjun

Hey everyone,

So we have a golden apple recipe now. It requires 8/9 gold ingot and an apple, right? Well, that's 50 mtc (for a gold ingot) / 9, * 8 + 20 = 64.4444444444444444444444

Golden apple now costs around 1000 mtc.

I would like to see a reduction in price, at least to 64 mtc. What do you guys think?
Hmm... I didn't notice they changed the recipe from ingots to nuggets. Although, I think 64mtc is a a little low due to the health regen buff
I'm just saying 64 mtc based on how much a gold ingot costs, and how much an apple costs (took both cs prices and proportioned the gold price and added the apple).

EDIT: Cool, two down votes based on a calculation done only using cs prices as a resource, to make it "balanced" with actual costs.
The old recipe involved gold blocks Yield <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>

I agree that the gold apple price should be adjusted, but 64 credits is too low. I say something more like 200mtc. Keep in mind that even though the gold cost is reduced, golden apples are more convenient and useful than their potion counterparts and shouldn't be undervalued nor should the cs become competition to user shops.
Still, they only last for 5 seconds or somethin
Alrighty, as long as there's a significant adjustment in price, I think. 5 fold reduction from 1k to .2k is pretty good, I think. It's just so easy to make now that buying at the cs at 1000 mtc was pointless, no offense.
its 30 seconds luggious
I don't think the price should be updated. The credit shop prices never follow the market / reflect the actual value of things. The whole point is if you can get it cheaper elsewhere, then buy the stuff elsewhere <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> There is no way the mods can keep all the prices accurate to the market fluctuations, why should golden apples be any different? It's not breaking anything.

Either you found a way to get them elsewhere, and they aren't worth $1000, in which case it doesn't matter what the shop sells them for because you're not buying them from the shop, or you are buying them from the shop, in which case they *are* worth $1000 and the price should stay the same. That's how free market works.

If anything, because the CS doesn't have limits on inventory and is outside the free market, it's prices should be considerably higher than market to prevent abuse. The credit shop is for things that are very difficult to obtain and should be considered a last resort to obtaining them, or at least that is how it seems to function.
dunsjohn, you're out...lol

I saw 1 shop selling 1gold apple = 1 gold bar.
Okay, that's just that shop. They probably have access to many trees which they sheer, and they don't have value on apples. Many don't care about apple value. They're basing it on nugget price, then rounding. Or, they might value apple at the price of 1/9 gold bars.

And as to "You're out" comment, it was uncalled for and somewhat offensive. Basically you're saying my opinion isn't valid. Everyone is entitled to such. I based the cost in this thread on the cost of an apple and a gold bar, at the cs. I wasn't trying to make people compete. Please read my OP, and I'd suggest a revision in how you talk to someone offering just an opinion. So you know, suggestions = opinions in most cases.