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[Enjin Archive] New Application Format: Suggestion
Started by [E] Afroman

Application Quiz Format

No points for originality, I know.

The idea of this Q & A is fairly self-explanatory. This aims to supress the epic number of ban appeals that flood the forums daily and waste staff time.

A general list of rules (copied from the rules tab) will be displayed in the top section of the application format. In addition to filling out personal information on applications, prospects will also have to read and understand the rules and successfully answer a short series of questions.

“Why bother? The information is there for those who bother to look for it”

All future applicants using this format will hopefully increase individual understanding of the rules upon application, thus *fingers-crossed* gain a better understanding of what behaviour and actions are acceptable.

New Application Format

Copied directly from the Rules tab - Edited

Minetown Rules

By registering an account on minetown.net and by logging in to our server, you acknowledge that you have fully read and understood the rules and agree to follow them. Breaking these rules will result in a punishment determined appropriate by staff, which may be as severe as a permanent ban (account and/or ip).

General Rules

1. Be Considerate of Other Players

• Ask before entering someone's area; leave if told to

• Do not troll, bully, or otherwise harass people

2. Be Respectful to Staff

• Use the available methods (petitions, forums, site messages) to request help

• Do not demand/beg for staff to do things for you

• Do not ask for Ranking/OP

• Do not interfere with staff duties

3. Use Chat Appropriately

• Use regular case or title case, not all capitals

• Refrain from explicit language and "1337 sp34k"

• For general talk, use the global channel.

• Use /msg for private conversations

• Use other channels as intended

• No spamming of any type

4. Follow Building Guidelines

• Do not make one-block wide towers or holes

• Do not build right next to spawn without permission

• Do not build close to someone else's construction unless you have their approval

5. Do not use hacks/cheats or exploit glitches what so ever.

Account Rules

1. It is your job to keep your account secure

2. Anything done on your account, regardless of who is/was playing, you are responsible for

3. Refrain from having an explicit user skin

Donator Rules

1. Donators are expected to follow rules as well

2. Donation privileges may be adjusted at any point

3. Donations are non-refundable

Forum Rules

1. Familiarize yourself with the search function

2. Use the most appropriate board for your post topic

3. Use proper language

4. Do not post on Ban Appeals unless you're the banned person or have relevant details to the situation.

Voice Chat Rules

1. Try to be in the correct channel for what you want to converse about

2. Do not be a nuisance to other users

3. Do not come on just to demand staff do things for you

4. Refrain from explicit language

Quiz: True or False

1: It is OK to use trade chat to talk to friends | T/F

2: It is OK to duplicate items / accept duped items | T/F

3: It is OK to post in a friends BAN appeal | T/F

4: It is OK to build 1xBlock dirt towers / holes | T/F

5: It is OK to Live in / near in a town with proper permissions from surrounding land owners | T/F

6: It is OK to break something you did not build, as long as you replace that block | T/F

7: It is OK to take items from a chest that is unlocked | T/F

8: It is OK to break the rules if you donate money to the server | T/F

9: It is OK to call a player rude names because you think they are stupid | T/F

10: It is OK to blame someone else for your account breaking rules | T/F

ie, Name, Age etc

i actually really like this! this could make the people stop and actually read the rules. nicely done. thumbs up <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
OMG YES! This is already how I run my faction's application. I state all rules, quiz them on the rules and ask for the actual application. Also, those questions are pretty easy. I'd suggest not having every answer be false, and put in one or two multiple choice questions (of which there is only one correct answer out of the 3+). This way you weed out all those who haven't actually read in depth. I can promise that at least 50% of people just skimmed the rules. I'll admit, I was one of those people, but I read the rules a week after I was accepted. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object> That was like 8 months ago, though, lol.
dunsjohn wrote:
OMG YES! This is already how I run my faction's application. I state all rules, quiz them on the rules and ask for the actual application. Also, those questions are pretty easy. I'd suggest not having every answer be false, and put in one or two multiple choice questions (of which there is only one correct answer out of the 3+). This way you weed out all those who haven't actually read in depth. I can promise that at least 50% of people just skimmed the rules. I'll admit, I was one of those people, but I read the rules a week after I was accepted. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object> That was like 8 months ago, though, lol.


You're right <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>

I'm not terribly good at the quiz part :/

Do you have any specific quiz suggestions? <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>
Good work, good idea, I like it an awful lot!
Fantastic job.
Howz we collect teh tissue sample?

Jk but this idea does have merrit! I LIKE IT <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f44d.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":thumb:">:thumb:</object>

Edit: needs a clause stating MT has the right to reject an application that doesn't meet the standards
Basically, I had words in the rules which I stated must be put into the the application. Like "What was the most important thing for you to write?"

Reference: Rule 4: You must state the word "Minetown" on the important question, as the first word.

Rule 92398989539498: You must state "is cool" as the second and third, respectively, in the important question.

Answer: Minetown is cool.

Explanation: Failure to put these rules results in rejected application, one more try before ignored (I guess you'd ban, but it's a dick move but I do that for my faction, I blacklisted 3 people already).

Other questions:

Grieving is allowed

1. Always

2. When someone grieves you and you do it for vengance

3. Only to your friends

4. Only to people you don't know.

5. Never

Answer is never

Stealing is allowed

same answers as before

Select all that apply - It is okay to be annoying__.

1. Only to your friends

2. Only to people you don't know.

3. Everyone

4. If they like it

5. If they ask you to stop

6. Never

Answer: In this case it is only "Never."

Some may have multiple answers to the question, like:

It is okay to take from an unlocked chest___.

1. Never

2. Always

3. With permission from the owner

4. With permission from a mod/admin (if that person was perma banned and you requested to claim their land)

5. Only if you don't know the person.

6. Only as a prank to your friends

Answer: 1, 3, 4

These are just examples. Honestly, I'd have to spend some time and create a quiz for MT applications. I can't work on such until the weekend. If you want, though, I can get on Vent on Saturday (just tell me your time zone and what time you'll be on) and we could work together to make a quiz that is challenging enough to make the person actually read the rules, but with no difficult questions that they wouldn't know the answer to without looking at the rules).
It's griefing... Not grieving. Wrong word choice for this context.
Slurth, I'm no English major. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object> Thank you for the correction, though. At least what I meant to say was conveyed properly.