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[Enjin Archive] Is "Ban" too serious???
Started by [E] simworld

I realized recently a lot of member being banned and they're filing in all the appeal. So I just bring up this idea and see if it's nice to put in.

We can utilized the JAIL more efficiency, so probably can class the seriousness of the wrongdoer.

Low Level - Trespassing and disobey instruction - 1 days jail + 500Mtc fine (for donator)

Medium Level - destroy people structure and steal item - 14 days jail + 1,000 MTC fine (for donator)

High Level - destroy building, manipulate item - BAN (for donator and non-donator)

In order to make it more real as in real world, criminal can be bailed out for a certain MTcredit (if you've MTC balance)

Low Level - 5% from the MTC balance

Medium Level - 15% from the MTC balance

High Level - no longer able access to server or all item and MTC wipe out and start everything from zero.

This is just my suggestion.

I'm not trying to beat you up here, but we need to keep things simple as possible. With that being said, our rules are very clear (unlike trying to pass the bar for law school).

So lets continue to make this simple. You break any one of the rules they are all the same value, which means you break any one of the rules, you are banned. You may make a ban appeal and find a way to redeem yourself.

See how simple that is? I love it!

Like an old wise man once told me....KISS....Keep It Simple Stupid!

I do appreciate anytime someone has an idea that they want to share. Sometimes though, the idea makes things more complicated than they need to be.

I would like to add another note to this conversation. You said you noticed more people getting banned lately. Actually, this is your perception. I actually feel like bans have decreased in the last couple weeks. Keep in mind the more people that are allowed to play on the server, the more people you have that think they can break the rules without getting caught. With the server allowing as many as 100+ new members per day play on our server, there are a few bad eggs that do get removed.

One thing I would to also comment on, is the amount of people that are learning! People are learning that the rules are enforced on this server. You cannot buy your way out of a ban and you cannot buy your way into to treating others wrong. This is a fair server to all. We honestly try to treat everyone with the same respect and expect everyone to treat others with respect. If you feel like you have had your toes stepped on, just take a screen shot. We will step in and do the best we can to make the situation as fair as possible.

The staff is not paid. We get no bonus money for the more people we ban. We get no kick backs or BJ's (bummer hu?). We get no personal gratification from removing anyone from our server. BUT we do request some simple appreciation for the time and effort we put into this server. We do make sacrifices that over time that can build up and become aggravating. So on a bad day when someone may come off as cranky....give them a break. We are trying to do the same for everyone else.

Again, we do appreciate ideas and concerns from our members. So please keep the ideas rolling and express them!
It is left up to the mod's discretion whether or not to use ban, kick, mute, or jail. Don't let nick fool ya xD We do get some personal gratification from banning someone if they are a torment to the server. Like Jaysfan
OkiFool66 wrote:
It is left up to the mod's discretion whether or not to use ban, kick, mute, or jail. Don't let nick fool ya xD We do get some personal gratification from banning someone if they are a torment to the server. Like Jaysfan

OMG Jay never bothered me! LOL

I was never online when he was either. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>

Gratification? no not here. I just didn't complain about removing a troll.

Which boils down to up holding the rules.
Question. Why do you have an additional fine for donators?? All have access to MTC via voting. Also percentage of MTCs isnt quite fair either for some that would be very little for others that could cost thousands.

A bail system should fit the crime and not be based on how many MTCs you have. Reason being I make sure to have 10 MTCs and go mess with someones house. Should I be allowed bail for 1 MTC?

I think the staff do a good job with the way they are doing things. I personally prefer bans over jail cause I dont have to sit there and listen to a person whine that has been banned.
we had a bail system in our old jail system...but it was so buggy we went to a new one where you prety much get to slide thru spider webs for an hour till you die and then respawn...and bail was set to 100MTC per minute reduction of jail...so it wasnt cheap XD especaily when most jail sentences were 4-10 hours

The issue with jail is, if we catch someone who has done something and they arent on, we cant jail them...jail is mostly for small offenses now such as being exceptionally rude to other players or minor grief/thefts that are returned right away.

Ban is more effective because it is taken much more seriously by the one banned. If they were jailed then decided to throw a temper tantrum, the entire gaming experience may be messed up for many people. Banning ensures they have time to cool down and collect their thoughts before they are allowed back in, preventing the drama we (the moderators) are here to keep in check <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f609.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=";)">;)</object>

Personally, i dont enjoy 'having' to ban someone...but when i have to do it, I do make it light and funny for anyone paying attention...many of my bans get a good giggle <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f609.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=";)">;)</object>
Ok. Just my suggestion...no harm...

Zionia wrote:
we had a bail system in our old jail system...but it was so buggy we went to a new one where you prety much get to slide thru spider webs for an hour till you die and then respawn...and bail was set to 100MTC per minute reduction of jail...so it wasnt cheap XD especaily when most jail sentences were 4-10 hours

Well i found a problem with this jail:

I told isoccer to jail me (he let me store my stuff) and when you die, you respawn at the top of the jail and it all starts back over.

Also its only like 20 mins.
craftermaster wrote:
Zionia wrote:
we had a bail system in our old jail system...but it was so buggy we went to a new one where you prety much get to slide thru spider webs for an hour till you die and then respawn...and bail was set to 100MTC per minute reduction of jail...so it wasnt cheap XD especaily when most jail sentences were 4-10 hours

Well i found a problem with this jail:

I told isoccer to jail me (he let me store my stuff) and when you die, you respawn at the top of the jail and it all starts back over.

Also its only like 20 mins.

Crafter, that's how that system works. You die then respawn at the top of the next tube, 6 tubes in total for 10 minutes each. I tested it for Pyre, it's an effective and boring jail.
Zionia wrote:
i dont enjoy 'having' to ban someone...but when i have to do it, I do make it light and funny for anyone paying attention


OP: Without a great (or any) jail plugin sometimes a tempban is the only way to get the attention of someone who is making some bad decisions - possibly unknowingly, like the first days we had TradeCraft back.