How is this going. when the next update comes out what will the serve do. Will the server have to be redun. i know jungles wil be added. so hey can a person of high atorty tell me.
not official, but considering all the bugs we have had with this past update, odds are we will be waiting a while after the update is released until bukkit has a stable build set up for us on most of the plugins...
As far as I understand: Minetown is going to have it's server updated, when the update is here. NO LAG!!!!!!! We should rejoice <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object> Also, Minetown will (this is not official yet) be releasing the new World. And before you ask, 'will the old one be wiped?' No. It will run along side the new one. There will be a portal to take you back and forth.