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[Enjin Archive] Riddles
Started by Unknown User


But seriously, don't get your riddle of like the first google result to "Riddles", because that's just dumb.


That is the riddle. Now answer it.
Congrats Google erabil asmatu duzu translate eta euskara erabiltzen, arrazoia ari da nire izena hiru letrak du lolm ondo egin!

Some obvious stuff in there!


It is another language
I did use google translate to translate this, because I don't see the point in a riddle I can't read, but I don't see the riddle in the translation :\
You are out during a thunder storm and the lights are out. You head into a creepy house. When you entered you heard a noise upstairs and you head up to check it out. There is a door open and head inside. As soon as you enter the door slams shut and you see a creeper ghost. He asked which of the four waysssss you would die. The creeper pointed to a gun and said you can ssssssshoot yourself or shock your self in an electric chair and die sssssslowly or jump out the window and fall the 50ft to your death. Then finally he said or die from my wrath!! If you some how survive I'll let you go.

Which will you choose? (there is a chance that you live....) HAHAHHA good luck

You would die from them all except the electric chair... it was during a storm and the power is out! thus you would live.
Something very extraordinary happened on the 6th of May 1978 at 12:34 a.m.What was it?

At that moment the time and day could be written as: 12:34 5/6/78.

O, and here is a good one I learnt at school today...

My head and tail both equal are my middle slender as a bee.Whether I stand on head or heelIs quite the same to you or me. But if my head should be cut off The matter's true though passing strange Directly I to nothing change. What Am I?

The figure of eight!