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[Enjin Archive] I got banned Bann Appeal
Started by [E] Gthekid69

I got banned for impersonating staff when what happened was i tped to a guy and he didnt know his friend trusted me on their land so i joked around with him and said i was a helper. Then later i told him his friend had trusted me
When: 2/27/15


I wont joke around about being staff anymore

I didnt even know that was something you could get in trouble for
Hey there, G, I'm Pl and I'll be handling your appeal today.

Suffice to say, you obviously know why you were banned; You impersonated staff. As you couldn't seem to see what was wrong with that in your appeal, let me explain it to you.

First and foremost, it's disrespectful to the very people you're impersonating. All staff apply for their position, they earn it, due to whatever their respective roles may require. Simply logging on and saying "Hey, I'm staff, I can do <this>, I know <that>", and is rude to those that spend hours of their day doing what you're pretending to do.

Secondly, it's disrespectful to players. It unfair to the players to have another member say they're "A staff member with the tag hidden", because they think they can go to you for help when in reality, you can do nothing to help them.

So, here's what I want you to do.

A. Write an apology to both players and staff, saying you know what you did was wrong, and why.

B. Tell me how you will insure that this will not happen again.

C. Write a statement saying you understand if you do this again, the ban will be longer than what I decide, if not permanent.
@12929108 wrote:
I apoligize to all the staff on the forum and the server. I understand you have put a lot of hardwork into being staff. You did apply and earn it. I apoligize for saying I was a member of it. I am deeply sorry about what I did.<3
@12929108 wrote:
I apoligize toI insure you it won't happen again cause I now know what I did was stupid and irresponsible of me. Staff are very important people and I shall not pretend to be one of them ever again. AGAIN, I am deeply sorry to all staff.<3

You've answered A and B, still waiting on C. You won't be unbanned until you fulfill that requirement. And please, respond in this thread, rather than making a new one.
I understand that if I am to Impersonate Staff ever again the consequences will be dire by that i mean the ban will be almost permanent.

-Gthekid69 For Pljz
Good to hear. Starting tomorrow, March 4th, your ban length will be 7 Days. You will be unbanned on March 10th. Thank you for your compliance in this appeal,

