I recently ran into a bit of an issue with some moderators and admins on the server. I was just telling people about my hat, which was a chest at the time, and the next thing I know...

...this happened. You can most likely imagine how fast my heart was beating by this point. I felt like I was being surrounded by angry hawks, ready to tear me limb by limb.
Next thing I know...

...they start asking about my hat. What kind of interview is this? Why must you know how I do what I do?
In conclusion, I just wanted to share this quick story with ya'll. It made me lol, and thought it could make you as well!
EDIT: Here is my hat:

...this happened. You can most likely imagine how fast my heart was beating by this point. I felt like I was being surrounded by angry hawks, ready to tear me limb by limb.
Next thing I know...

...they start asking about my hat. What kind of interview is this? Why must you know how I do what I do?
In conclusion, I just wanted to share this quick story with ya'll. It made me lol, and thought it could make you as well!
EDIT: Here is my hat: