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[Enjin Archive] Dislike removal.
Started by [E] dead [1]

Hey guys .. After looking at this Thread i would like you guys the COMMUNITY .. To decide either to remove the Dislike or keep it

It should be kept as it shows what sort of impression members give within the community.

Players are less likely to post thoughtless comments if they think it will get them many dislike posts.

Its also very helpful towards Moderator applications and ban appeals. In mod apps we can usually tell how the player is within the community by the amount of likes and dislikes they get, it helps us know which players you as members don’t feel should become trial mods.

Same with ban appeals, the more dislikes the banned player gets the more we know people disagree with his/her appeal (Also counts for likes, the more they get the more we know you support their application).

Yes it does sometimes gets abused by petty members seeking to cause others annoyance but they’re always going to find ways to do that, we rarely have cases in where we have to reset the players likes/dislikes. I wish there was some way we could find out who dislikes the post as it would be easier to punish players who abuse this.

At times I hate the dislike button but I do feel its important to keep the forums in some sort of order. People are careful as to what they say because they do not want their name blacklisted into minus likes, I can imagine everyone would be trolling if they did not have to worry about what people thought of their comments.
Thumbing down is a way for people to just anonymously show that they are not pleezed with the subject matter. Remove that people are just going to keep quiet, since they dont want to say something negative towards the subject (I do not mean insult or anything like that) or do the oppisite and say something... which potentially could lead to some small flame wars over opinions
If we're going to allow people to voice their approval on a subject, surely we should also allow them to voice disapproval? True, dislike may be abused on mod applications etc, but indeed surely the like button in turn is abused by a group of friends, simply to get their own like counts up. Would it be, then, that we simply remove all forms of expression? Dislike's can help mod's keep an eye on those people who may raise questionable subject matter, and is it such a burden than one or two players are kept watch on, just to be shown as perfectly respectful players, if it means that the ones who do 'cause a stir' can be quickly slenced?

I understand that that last sentence in itself may seem Communistic, but i feel in this sense, the dislikes can provide a -if sometimes flawed- measure of character.

Naturally, upon saying this I'm likely to be disliked XD but upon losing a few votes, i have shown that those people have an opinion, albeit a negative one, of me.

In summary - Dislike may be a nuisance at times but it works both ways. It's an expression of opinion, and in a community such as Minetown, i feel it's important to hear other's views on the world.

In general a player who is liked and has the support of the Minetown community will receive more likes then dislikes. A player will not receive a mass number dislikes unless the community believes that they do not qualify to be a moderator. In the other direction a player who the community believes will make a good moderator will get a good number of likes.

When selecting new moderators we have to take a lot of factors into consideration which will include if a player has -10 or +10 dislikes or likes. While some members may feel that disliking others mod applications will affect the outcome in general it will not, The general good sense of the Minetown community and voting for the good of the community will balance and override the bad and show the general opinion of a members Moderator application.

My opinion would be to keep the vote up and down on the applications as it will give a good impression of what the community believes as a whole believes about a members application. My opinion would also to be to get more members to go in and to vote on the applications so that the bad players who vote others down in a vain attempt to get there applications approved will affect the over all outcome less. More players voting will also give us a better idea on who is going out of there way to help people, Who is mature enough to be a Moderator and who the community likes as a whole.

When you are voting make sure that you don't just down vote because you don't know the player or your friend dislikes him but give us your honest opinion on the player in the simplest way possible of either voting yes, no or not voting on the player if you do not believe that you have enough information to vote.
DanniDorrito wrote:

I wish there was some way we could find out who dislikes the post as it would be easier to punish players who abuse this.

This would be great for checkng apps for moderator knowing who has a track record of just downvoting for abuse and who is downvoting for actual reasons..

Altho If you downvote A mod app its be nice for that person to post on why he did or did not down vote or upvote that person
Shouldn't the forum admins/moderators see who has repeatedly thumbed down a person. This is just an idea <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
I've been down voted 70 times by the same person... AGAIN. Even after Sawine reset my vote count (Yay! I'm a rare instance twice in a row, lol). What am I saying on the forums? Well I'm helping people. There are people (namely that one person who down voted me) abuse the system. However, we should keep it. Why? Because I'm only a RARE instance. Most people don't have this happen to them. When looking at an application, you should go to the post history of a person to see why they have such a huge down vote count. For me, you'd see -1 over 70 posts (which happened within a half hours time from when I saw my -1 to the -70. which signifies one person did it). Sometimes people are dicks. I'm learning to accept that one person is a dick to me, so now I'm not caring about my vote count. Why? What I say doesn't have a change based on my vote count. Danni says what Danni says, whether at her +650 or at -650. I help people as best I can, and I'll continue doing so no matter how much this dick continues to down vote my post history (I think 70 is the max a person can down vote one person, right?). So just keep it and make sure to look at mod apps in case someone applies who is in my situation (meaning go to post history).
dunsjohn wrote:
I've been down voted 70 times by the same person... AGAIN. Even after Sawine reset my vote count (Yay! I'm a rare instance twice in a row, lol). What am I saying on the forums? Well I'm helping people. There are people (namely that one person who down voted me) abuse the system. However, we should keep it. Why? Because I'm only a RARE instance. Most people don't have this happen to them. When looking at an application, you should go to the post history of a person to see why they have such a huge down vote count. For me, you'd see -1 over 70 posts (which happened within a half hours time from when I saw my -1 to the -70. which signifies one person did it). Sometimes people are dicks. I'm learning to accept that one person is a dick to me, so now I'm not caring about my vote count. Why? What I say doesn't have a change based on my vote count. Danni says what Danni says, whether at her +650 or at -650. I help people as best I can, and I'll continue doing so no matter how much this dick continues to down vote my post history (I think 70 is the max a person can down vote one person, right?). So just keep it and make sure to look at mod apps in case someone applies who is in my situation (meaning go to post history).

Poor duns, It seems no matter how useful your post is, some asshat is determined to just be an asshat..I personally didnt see anything wrong with my previous post, yet somone didnt like it and decided to downvote it..

This will happen...We all no what type of person yo uare in game duns, so the nasty little closet troll can suck it <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
Thanks Gur. I +1 your down voted post. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> This is an opinionated topic, so no one deserves ANY down votes here. Everyone's opinion matters when doing a poll.

Edit: Speaking of down votes, all of my posts have been give a -1 today already. Whoever it is, you're just making me laugh now.