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[Enjin Archive] Please explaine BF3
Started by Unknown User


I need to know cos I am thinking of buying it but I am not sure if I would like it

I am gonna get it on ps3

I need to know about



And your personal opinion

If you also have mw3

Which one is better bf or mw and why (personal opinion)



It would be helpful if these q's could be answered...

What are the classes

What happens when you die

How does the games work e.g. Game go on forever or have a limit time or score

What guns are available
For pc bf3's graphics are great if you have some serious hardware, for console mw3's graphics are better in terms of fps and what definition it runs at (1080p if you have a 1080p capable tv) but honestly there very different gameplay styles and there both very fun games, if you like vehicles and working as a team get bf3, if you like being a lone wolf and running and gunning get mw3. I have both and I play them in equal amounts.
K anyone else?

Also can I have a bit more info on how everything works

Like a sorta walk through for beginners
A video introduction to bf would be useful
you will defently love it if you buy bf3 i have 300 hours in it bf3 never gets boring cause on muiltyplayer you have basicly around a year and a halfs worth of unlockables id recomend it for pc if your pcs not a microwave run the system requirements around someone who knows pc stuff first if you cant run it on pc get it for ur system only diffrencts is system only has a max game of 24 people pc can hold 64 max everything else is the same id total recomend it if you like a real war exspericne u can break almost everything in the map buildings included and its fun to 1 shot snipe some dude on hardcore muiltyplayer
Well, he's talking about ps3, therefore it's easy to run. From what I heard about bf3, the servers are a little messed up (with hit detection). I can't say that personally, as I only played the beta. I honestly didn't like bf3. There are places in the map where you can snipe and no one will EVER be able to get near you, or snipe you. If you don't play with friends on bf3, be ready to lose about 70% of the matches and have the enemy spawn camp the heck out of you (unless they fixed that after beta?). I played bf2, and it was a great game... if the enemy doesn't snipe your spawn.

For mw3, I own it and play a few hours a week. It also has it's down sides. There is a lack in hit detection if you play with people from the other side of the country. However, they fixed many issues with the servers crashing during a game. If you only play regular, bf3 is more realistic in that when you hit someone, they actually take some serious damage. Where as in mw3, even on hardcore sometimes, they just eat bullets for breakfast... it is sometimes impossible to hit on mw3. However, sometimes you get something realistic and hitting them in the head actually kills them, for once.

Personally, I prefer mw3, even though mw3 does have a little bit more issues with the game. However, in bf3 you can only hear three teammates (only those in your squad) and in mw3 you can hear your whole team.

edit: to the dick that down votes EVERY single post I make, screw off.

Hard one to call

From what's have seen of gameplay vids and stuff bf looks to have more content

But it also seems that they are nothing like each other really in a way of gameplay

But you know YouTube shooter vids...

They always make it look easy...
A few tips:

1. Do NOT play BF3 like cod. (you will get destroyed in some situations)

2. Play objectives. Don't camp unless you are sniping

3. Use vehicles! they help A LOT.

You can add me on ps3. my name is jjd721
Updated original post plz read
The classes are





The amount of guns available Is kind of hard to explain but I would say over 100.

Between COD and BF3 the single player campaign is a lot better than BF3's; but the BF3 multi-player is just simply amazing. Dunsjohn, they have fixed that bug because if you get the MAV on the recon you can easily find out where the enemy sniper is, it's just a matter of can you snipe him? The way you drive vehicles for me is actually quite fun (even when you are in the passenger seat.) With BF3 they have gone for the real approach thus COD went for the lets say "surreal" approach. The graphics on PC are AWESOME and on xbox360 (not sure on Ps3,) but I am not sure on what COD looks like in HD. There are alot more glitches in all the COD's with battlefield 3 I haven't found one. There's just me opinion <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> Thanks -dancraft200-