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[Enjin Archive] All Goodsprings Regions REMOVED?
Started by [E] Matt [5]

All of the regions in the town /warp GoodSprings have been removed... this is baaaaad! My shop and farm operate from my lot so I really need this fixed. I made a PE but (imthe)lag was unable to do anything. The owner of GoodSprings just changed if that has anything to do with it. Previously it was luev25, and now it is Jeff_Hendrie. Thanks.
I believe he made a petition requesting them removed for some reason....i will look into it shortly.
I would recommend talking with Jeff about it first as i am fairly certain he requested the regions removed for some reason.
Jeff_Hendrie opened a PE to have the region 'Luvtown' changed to 'Goodsprings' so... I did that? Did I do it wrong?
>,< *pokes pyre* dont change region names...the names are irrelevant...if you change one, you break all the sub regions within it....and make a mess
Bah I'm sorry. >.> Were you able to fix it and/or is there anything I can do?
This is one lesson i learned from sayomie breaking the market lol. Just remake the sub regions. Just a lil work. It might have been done on some already
Can I please have this done on /warp FoodFarmShop? I have a PE in but imthelag just wasn't sure exactly what he was supposed to do, and I really can't blame him!
make a pe at the location requesting it be reprotected and it will be done.
So all previous sub-regions can be created without permission from the new region owner?