Just a few minutes ago I ONCE AGAIN died when warping somewhere in the nether, Yesterday I lost a ton of obsidium, diamond/redstone/gold ore blocks, diamond silk touch pickaxe as well as a ton of other stuff. Then Just now I warped to one of my spawners in the nether and what do you know! I warped about 10 blocks back from where my warp is and fell into the lava and died, luckily this time I typed /home quick enough to die in my house so I could get my items back but lost a ton of levels. With that said, why is this happening? I understand theres plugins etc that can sometimes be broken or whatever but just curious as to why this is a continuous problem for me.
most times, glitchy warps are caused by server lag or a glitching plugin. it happens to all of us...if you have a /chest i recomend utilizing it when tping
yea...apparently placing a block of obsidian on the wapr location prevents this issue a good deal