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[Enjin Archive] Browser security issue
Started by [E] 300cc2 [1]

I'm not sure if this is in the right section, if it isn't could a admin please move it.

I'm not sure if this was from vothing or somthing else but,

I was voting for minetown on the sites GIVIN to be voted on, On one the sites i voted for ( not sure which one)

My anti-virus said it was suspicious, And I just ignored that. i finished voting on all the sites and i got back on minetown, a sec later my anti-virus pops up

Red outlined saying there was a trogan, So i rid the trogan, rebooted my computer, ran a full scan, now it seems fine. But what i didnt understand was

did I just really get a trogan from voting? Or was it somthing else that decided to pop up at that time?

Please let me know what you think.
I highly doubt that clicking a vote button would give you a Virus / trojan of any kind.

What Anti virus are you using? A false report is very possible.
Yes, you could quite possibly get malware from a voting site. Or any site. Don't let people tell you otherwise.

Many of the voting sites rely on third-party advertising networks for revenue. Third-party means they have no control over it. The methods for delivering them to your computer normally involve javascript, flash, and/or - if you are an Internet Explorer user - Active X. All three of these technologies are regularly exploited and become avenues of delivering malware onto your computer, usually through cross-site scripting. Otherwise, the javascript being loaded may have just be malicious from the start. And www.shadysite/rapekit.js might be safe today, but tomorrow it could be a completely different one. Malicious or not, you have holes in your web browser that could allow malware in.

Plug as many holes as possible by using Firefox in combination with the two plugins: NoScript and AdBlockPlus. NoScript will stop all javascript until you allow it on a per-site(well, domain) basis. In this case you would be allowing the root domain of all the voting sites, then recaptcha.net. Don't forget minetown.net.

NoScript will show you all the third-party javascript that tries to rape your face when you visit a website. For example, one of the sites we get to vote on, http://www.top100private.com, attempts to load javascript from Clicksor. Pop it into Google and take not that clicksor ads can result in malware on your computer. Heck, if you voted at top100private this could have been the one that you noticed.

Always use NoScript and AdBlockPlus!!! It is your computer, stay in control of it!

Edit: Here is a list of some of the external(So not the actual voting site, just the junk the site demands you also swallow) javascript attempting to be loaded on the voting sites we use.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus
sirxdoughnut wrote:
I highly doubt that clicking a vote button would give you a Virus / trojan of any kind.

What Anti virus are you using? A false report is very possible.

It is not the clicking of a vote button, but the mere act of visiting a site. See the above case.

Lag, Delta responded to doughnut's question. He did not post off topic.

I'm not familiar with Kaspersky, however I do know that it IS possible for ANY adware (which is deemed as a "treat" on your computer usually) to tag on ANY site. Malware, on the otherhand, is rarer than that, however still common and can hop on any signal, so long as the site has been hacked or tagged. Usually these "hacks" aren't much. They just, metaphorically speaking, make a hole and push a malware in. Usually just a false link, which'll end up screwing your computer up (system restore all the way, lol).

So, yes it is possible that you did get SOMETHING. However, I highly doubt a trojan. If you got one, we ALL should have gotten one. I go on those sites all the time, and I'll admit I've gotten only two adware (kind of low, in my opinion).

Also, lag... you can't actually get a trojan without making an interaction with a site. You have to click SOMEWHERE on the webpage. Trust me, my roommate comes to me all the time after his porn, haha. Well, not so much now that he learned not to click the page. However, there are ways to make the trojan interact with the "back button" and "file" and the address bar and all those things on the top, making it impossible to not get the trojan. However, like I said, you couldn't have gotten a trojan from one of these sites.

The main thing is your pop up blocker. If that isn't turned on, you're pretty much unlocking the door to any kind of virus. As well, what else was opened besides the voting sites? The only thing I can think of that give you trojans are trojan sites (there are sites devoted only to giving you a trojan, like some fake porn sites or fake torrent sites) and pop ups. I don't recall ever hearing of anyone getting a trojan any other way.

What browser do you use? Just curious, because this also effects the availability that viruses have to your computer.
K thanks for explaning this to me, I also found it it wasn't the voting site, it was some junk thing my brother downloaded, It was just that that time it sprung up and attacked,(then got its ass kicked)

So thanks everyone for helping

Btw dun, +1
dunsjohn wrote:
Lag, Delta responded to doughnut's question. He did not post off topic.

I see the mistake, I have failed miserably.
dunsjohn wrote:

Also, lag... you can't actually get a trojan without making an interaction with a site.

That is false. What is this I don't even... Anything can be done if you can exploit a computer into doing it. What let the wii first become softmodded was a save file with a long-ass name for the horse in Zelda Twilight Princess which was long enough to create a buffer overflow that pointed a memory address that contained the loader code. I didn't want to reply to your thread, but I don't want others to be mislead by your misinformation. The right exploit(s) between javascript and flash that don't require you to click(do you have to click to start javascript on website? What about youtube videos for example? can get the ball rolling.
imthelag wrote:
Yes, you could quite possibly get malware from a voting site. Or any site. Don't let people tell you otherwise.

Many of the voting sites rely on third-party advertising networks for revenue. Third-party means they have no control over it. The methods for delivering them to your computer normally involve javascript, flash, and/or - if you are an Internet Explorer user - Active X. All three of these technologies are regularly exploited and become avenues of delivering malware onto your computer, usually through cross-site scripting. Otherwise, the javascript being loaded may have just be malicious from the start. And www.shadysite/rapekit.js might be safe today, but tomorrow it could be a completely different one. Malicious or not, you have holes in your web browser that could allow malware in.

Plug as many holes as possible by using Firefox in combination with the two plugins: NoScript and AdBlockPlus. NoScript will stop all javascript until you allow it on a per-site(well, domain) basis. In this case you would be allowing the root domain of all the voting sites, then recaptcha.net. Don't forget minetown.net.

NoScript will show you all the third-party javascript that tries to rape your face when you visit a website. For example, one of the sites we get to vote on, http://www.top100private.com, attempts to load javascript from Clicksor. Pop it into Google and take not that clicksor ads can result in malware on your computer. Heck, if you voted at top100private this could have been the one that you noticed.

Always use NoScript and AdBlockPlus!!! It is your computer, stay in control of it!

Edit: Here is a list of some of the external(So not the actual voting site, just the junk the site demands you also swallow) javascript attempting to be loaded on the voting sites we use.[/quote

Clever reply, +1]
Thanks for the down votes. Just saying, for me... I always click "Do you wish to run java on this site." I have to click "allow access." Then "Do you want to run this program. Java Inc." or whatever, and I have to click run. Oh, the benefit of default setting Windows 7 professional with default setting Java, on a default setting browser (google chrome).

Although, your point is right... if you click "always allow" so you never bother with it again. No offense, but I'd of thought that people wouldn't do that (I know that some scripts force your computer to crash on Java, happened to me a few times).

As well, doesn't youtube use adobe flash? I'm pretty sure (although not 100%) that I had to download adobe flash when I went on youtube, though I could be mistaken. I do know, however, that adobe is much more safer than java (I've never heard of anyone getting a trojan from adobe products). As well, youtube is a site that has to worry about it's competitors. Well, in business terms, it's the niche marketer. In fact, so much so that it is now becoming a competitor to netflix on demand, and now hulu plus (due to youtube now renting out digital copies of videos).

I also like how Delta was down voted for asking a question about something he doesn't understand, and how he was down voted for answering someone else's qusetion so that he could get some assistance. No offense but this community (more namely whoever down votes people for the fun of it) is deteriorating. Still love MT, though.