Username: lolcatz997
When you were banned : 27/12/11
Person who banned you: Unknown
Reason you were banned: Banned from a bug. I jumped of a Tower in the end and acidentally clicked "Title menu" Then tryed to rejoin the server to be greeted by a message "You have been banned from this server!" I think I was banned from a bug as my friend RedX147 said his screen had been spammed with the message "lolcatz997 was kicked from the server" This made me verry sad because minetown is the best server I have ever played And I would never grief or be unkind to another player.
Please unban me <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object>

When you were banned : 27/12/11
Person who banned you: Unknown
Reason you were banned: Banned from a bug. I jumped of a Tower in the end and acidentally clicked "Title menu" Then tryed to rejoin the server to be greeted by a message "You have been banned from this server!" I think I was banned from a bug as my friend RedX147 said his screen had been spammed with the message "lolcatz997 was kicked from the server" This made me verry sad because minetown is the best server I have ever played And I would never grief or be unkind to another player.
Please unban me <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object>