ok i was walking around then i take cover in a brick house now im stuck in there for life no one tp's me. so i want the staff to fix that and get me out.
Use /spawn
it says im not allowed to do that remember i in war world
Are you really close to spawn? if you are, no commands are allowed there because of an incident a week or two ago. I can't think of any way to get out except to have a staff member tp - so you don't have to type /tpaccept you or to some how kill yourself. It could work if you got someone else to kill you without them falling too.
yes he in the spawn region. I told him to walk more to north (hes under the basement floor), there you can tp out of it using /warp wwspawn
Clearly he didnt do that.
maybe a mod could fix the floor in the WW so this can be prevented.
Clearly he didnt do that.
maybe a mod could fix the floor in the WW so this can be prevented.
Try /mvtp World