My house was completely leveled in a town im not sure the name of. The warp is /warp parkerhome1. I bought it from frog0828. Well, the picture will give a better explanation. Please if a mod could tell me who this is and if its not possible to fix, at least can i have a refund of what i paid for it. Thank you 8(
The only things that werent destroyed were the things i privated
Acually it wasnt frog, it was scoobs, then some numbers
The list of items that were broken are
8-10 stacks of netherbrick
11/2 Stacks of glowstone
A stack of Logs
A stack of leaves
2 Stacks of NetherFence
3 Stacks Of Stone Brick
3 Stacks of glass
and probably many other items that im forgeting/.
8-10 stacks of netherbrick
11/2 Stacks of glowstone
A stack of Logs
A stack of leaves
2 Stacks of NetherFence
3 Stacks Of Stone Brick
3 Stacks of glass
and probably many other items that im forgeting/.
L-O-L thats gotta suck dude but its one of those super griefers. As soon as u get offline then back on ur house is gone lol.
yeah, no fricking kidding, this was a 25 tall house, lOL
issue resolved! thank you for the info!