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[Enjin Archive] Ban Appeal
Started by [E] IbeChasengirls

Username: IbeChasengirls

When you were banned : (Date.) 12/18/2011 around 7 PM Pacific Time (that is my guess)

Person who banned you: Not sure

Reason you were banned: Not sure. I don't think I have done anything wrong. I did leave my computer for a few minutes, so maybe my little brother did something that caused me to get banned. I do accept the fact that it was my account if he did do something. When I came back on the computer he was still in shoreline which is mostly protected (so maybe not griefing?), but if there is griefing I will rebuild/and or refund the person. Other than that I can't think of anything I did since I haven't spammed the chat/used innappropriate langueage, or stolen from anyone. The only time I can think of anything is when I left my computer and my little brother did something that wasn't allowed, which I take responsibility for.

As this is directly to me and imthelag, We noticed TNT was missing in the shop. A mod came and found that you had taken the TNT. Now we didn't think you'd be banned and that wasn't our intentions. Now if you didn't mean to take it or it was an accident, the first thing you could have done was to get ahold of myself or imthelag to let us know (could have messaged us here or on minecraft it's self), if you didn't know how getting a hold of a mod would have been easy if you stressed it. But these simple actions weren't taken, which makes it seem like you just didn't care or you had wrong intentions. Once again we'd love for you to come back but your faith is now in the hands of the mods/admins.

if by any chance you are allowed back I think lag will agree; I think its time to go our own ways and you to find new options in Minetown. (if lag feels other wise will talk in game).

Good Luck.
BAN: heiwashin banned name 'IbeChasengirls': stealing tnt from imthelags shop
I remember that now. I was looking through your guys shop and accidently hit the TNT. I picked it up and several times tried to put it back on the spot. I couldn't put it back because TNT was disabled so I put it in the chest that had the TNT below it. After that incident I didn't think of it because I had put the TNT back in the chest hoping you guys would check the chest. The TNT should still be in the chest, but if for whatever reason it isn't, (if/when) I get back onto minetown, I will make a new one for you guys. I really hope this simple mistake didn't mess up my opportunities at BSO. When Mrmacmiller first hired me to get wood he told me he had to lock some chests so I wouldn't steal. I responded with "no I don't steal". So this was a big accident and I really did not mean for it to look like stealing. The TNT should still be in that chest since it was unlocked.
I just checked and its right where you said it would be. So your telling the truth, but why didn't you get ahold of someone? this is the main problem, you failed to let anyone know. Which makes things hard for the mods.
Thanks for letting us know where it is. I didn't ask for anyone to be banned in the petition, just to know who took the TNT (if anyone at all, since another petition said a different block was just glitched away).

If heiwashin decides to unban you I recommend learning how to craft a sign or practice /mail send <player> <message>

Good Luck
Yea sorry about this lag and inthepast, after I put it in the chest I just honestly forgot about the issure. I think I was tired and went to bed or something. I hope now I can be unbanned and hopefully continue to do jobs for BSO. If anything else happens like that again I will be sure to notify whomever needs to be notified about the issue immediately. Again, I'm sorry lag and inthepast.
So, what is the opinion? May I be unbanned? I really want to get back to Minetown
Will a mod or admin please unban me!!
unbanned...moved to jail for short period. please have a mod assist in resolving the last bits of this issue