Hi i'd just like to say that the entirety of my land (formely the faction haddonfield) has been put under new protection. Now i informed everyone that i would be away for awhile and recently i have been back onto minetown and have now realiised i have zero access to all of my things, the only things i would like back is my town of woodsboro and my underground house, also my tardis, not much to ask but i know that i will not get it back, thank you if there is any help and i would appreciate it if i could have my things returned to me
Did they build on top of your buildings or right next to it?
If so this is illegal and they have to move
I think...
If so this is illegal and they have to move
I think...
To be fair, i told them they could build near my land as long as they dont take anything as i have been gone quite a while, but i didnt realise that theyd completely steal my land, my land is right next to the millenium area, i dont want them to have any punishment id just like my land back
Dude, I think you are going about this the right way. I would just contact them directly given you have their name and go that route first, if that doesn't work, then bring in the admins. I commend you for not blowing it out of proportion like a lot of people would!
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Make a petition where your land is, I'll check it out~
I sounded like a lawyer
But just ask them to add you to the perm
I sounded like a lawyer
But just ask them to add you to the perm
Apparently he has plans to build over it, oh well doesn't matter, ive found some old land of mine ill use that, thanks for the support anyways guys