Hi im just opening a report in case anyone comes looking for there lost items, you died on me and i didnt realize it but i had your stuff, everyone was grabbing at it from what i noticed, if you lost 5 health potions let me know, im not sure all of what was mine and what was yours, but contact me and tell me what else you lost so i can confirm it was you who died, and i will give you back everything i have of yours, im not sure if its against the rules to take it cause i saw so many people rush for your stuff but what i got of it ill give u back if i have it,
like i said is this against the rules to take your stuff ? it seems like it would be but idk, even if its allowed you can still come get your stuff back, well what i have of it
like i said is this against the rules to take your stuff ? it seems like it would be but idk, even if its allowed you can still come get your stuff back, well what i have of it